File Format - kytulendu/CW141 GitHub Wiki

CU-Writer File Format

Use both KU (Kaset or เกษตร) and TIS-620 for character encoding, similar to WordStar file format.

Kaset Thai character encoding

This was early Thai character encoding from Department of Computer Engineering, Kasetsart University. It was used mainly in microcomputer hardware and software before TIS-620 standard.

The character encoding did not have Thai digit, kho khuat (ฃ), kho khon (ฅ), tua lue (ฦ), lak khang yao (ๅ), Phinthu (อฺ) and Yamakkan (อ๎).

Kaset-CW (Kaset CU-Writer) character encoding differs by adding Thai digit (90h-99h) and tua lue (ฦ) (CDh).

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
Cx ำ
Dx ุ ู ิ ี ึ ื ั ํ ็
Ex ่ ้ ๊ ๋ ์

Control Code

Hex ASCII Key Meaning
02 [STX] <Ctrl><P><B> Toggles Bold mode
05 [ENQ] <Ctrl><P><E> Toggles Enlarge mode
0A [LF]
0D [CR] Followed by 0A (line feed), indicate newline
12 [DC2] <Ctrl><P><R> Toggles double-underline mode
13 [DC3] <Ctrl><P><S> Toggles underline mode
14 [DC4] <Ctrl><P><T> Toggles superscript mode
16 [SYN] <Ctrl><P><V> Toggles subscript mode
17 [ETB] <Ctrl><P><W> Toggles italic mode
1A [SUB] End-of-file character
1B [ESC] <Ctrl><U><S> Toggles font 1, CU-Writer 1.6
1C [FS] <Ctrl><U><S> Toggles font 2, computer font style, CU-Writer 1.6
1D [GS] <Ctrl><U><S> Toggles font 3, CU-Writer 1.6
1E [RS] <Ctrl><U><S> Toggles font 4, similar to font 1 but have characters for German and French, CU-Writer 1.6
8D Soft Carriage Return (inserted, followed by line feed (LF) 0A to mark soft line break at word-wrap)
A0 zero-width space, inserted from Thai word separator software like Rama SpellCheck and iRC ZeWrite. Used by Desktop Publishing software to help separate Thai words. This character is not displaying a visible space in the rendered text.

Note: Soft Carriage Return on TIS-620 is 8D, on Kaset-CW is F3.

CU Writer for Windows 77

CU Writer for Windows added support for BMP (Bitmap) and WMF (Windows Metafile) image in document by insert it from clipboard.

09 0d 0a     /* signature */

Table code

These character was use as box-drawing characters for making table in CU-Writer.

Kaset-CW character encoding have different table code.

TIS-620 Kaset Character
8F 8A
90 88
91 89
92 87
93 86
95 85
96 84
98 80
99 81
9A 82
9B 83

Dot Command

These commands are intended to be on a line by themselves, and started with the dot (.). This meant that regular text lines couldn't start with dots.

Note: Can use lower case.

Command Meaning
.PA Page break
.PN n Set current page number
.PO n Set left margin
.PR n Set right margin
.HE text Print page heading
.FO text Print page footing
.PT text Print page title (at front of page number, like Page 23 )
.DF filename Open file contain name list in filename for mailmerge, CSV file format
.RV v1,v2,v3,... Set variable for mailmerge, variable name is less than 20 character long, 15 variables maximum, Using &v1& &v2& ... on document. Data is less than 40 characters.
.SK Skip next record, normally used to mark end of mailmerge at end of letter.
.CW n Character per inch, default 10 : 5, 12, 15, 20, 10

Math equations support in CU-Writer 1.6

From CW16.DOC

Printing a mathematical equation is done by starting a line (at column 1) with dot Command ".M". The text following .M will be a mathematical equation.

There are several formats as follows:

1. .M"Hello World"    will display Hello World
   .MHello World      same with above
   The text in quotation marks is to display that text
   The quotation marks may not be necessary if the text does not match the special symbols.

2. .M<text1><connector><text2>
   Possible <connector>
       ^ Printing text in exponent form, <text2> in the top right corner of <text1>
       / Printing in fractional form, <text1> is on top <text2> is below
       ~ Connects <text1> and <text2>
       - .M "x"^"y"
       - .M "abc"/"x"
       - .M "a "~"B"/"C"^"2"
   The order of precedence is ^ / and ~ respectively.
   However, we can control the order by using parentheses, for example:
       - .M (B/C)^2~ ~B/C^2
   If you want to type parentheses, put them in quotation marks.

3. .M<function>(<text1>,<text2>,...)
   The possible <function> are as follows
       - [ ]          big brackets
       - int(a,b,c)   integrate function a from b to c, example: int(TestFunc,From,To)
       - cint(a,b,c)  close integral a from b to c, example: cint(TestFunc,From,To)
       - lim(a,b)     limit function a Condition b, example: lim("sin(x)",x->0)
       - root(x)      square root sign, example: root(4+5)
       - conj(x)      cross mark sign, example: conj(3+4i)
       - abs(x)       absolute value sign, example: abs(4/5)
       - sum(x)       sum sign, example: sum(2i+1,i=1,10)
       - pie(x)       product sign, example: pie(2x,x=1,k)
       - .M[2/3]^6
       - .Mint("sin(x)",0,)~" dx "
       - .Mcint("sin(x)"/"cos(x)",0,2)~" "~[dx/3]
       - .Mlim("sin(x)"/x,x->0)
       - .Mroot("X"/"2+3")
       - .Mconj(x+2i)
       - .M ~sum(n(n+1),n=1,10)
       - .M ~pie("(s + a i )",i=1,n)


After end-of-file marker (1Ah), 110 byte, CU-Writer version 1.5 or newer.

Offset Hex ASCII Char Meaning
0 1A [SUB] End-of-file
1-8 4F 50 54 20 31 2E 35 30 OPT 1.50 Signature
9 xx 00=KU, 01=TIS-620
10-20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
21-27 xx xx xx xx xx xx xx CW153\CW152.DOC : 84 A1 88 C2 90 84 A1; Other Version : 04 21 08 42 10 84 21
28-54 xx xx xx xx 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 CW16 Newly saved : 08 42 10 84 ...; CW16 Newly saved, CW153\PERIODFL.ELN : 08 40 00 00 ...; CW152J10 Newly saved, CW16NOV\HELP, TAIRUT, CW152\CW152.DOC : 08 42 00 00 ...; CW152J26 Newly saved, CW153 Newly saved, CW16\MATH.DOC : 00 00 00 00 ...; CW153\CW152.DOC : 80 ... 80 (27 byte), CW153\CW15.DOC : 08 00 00 00 ...
55-94 01 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 In CW153, newly saved file, 01 is 00
95 xx Left margin
96 00
97 xx Right margin < 256
98 00
99 xx Line per page
100 00
101 01
102 00
103-106 04 00 4E 00
107 13 CW16 CW152 CW153 Newly saved : 13; CW153\PERIODFL.ELN : 0D
108-110 00 6E 00
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️