What's being developed next? - kyranf/robotarmyfactorio GitHub Wiki

#What is being worked on next? I will update this page occasionally to try and keep you guys up to date with my design intentions and upcoming features for the next release.

##Currently Planned for next release

  • engineer droid (base repair, or combat medic for other droids in squad)
  • change droid assembler and guard stations to be just skinned chests and not need recipe setting. This way you can insert what you want to spawn, and it will just spawn it. Could programmatically insert based on unit counts getting low etc.
  • new graphics for droid assembler and guard stations

##Currently Planned for future releases

  • tech unlocks for all droids, techs for damage upgrades for all droids (non-vanilla now)
  • Utility robots, non-combat units such as:
  • scout droids (fast runners, unarmed, basic ai to chase nearby unexplored chunks),
  • fire-fighters that find and put out fires within X radius. could be sub-feature of engineer/worker droids.
  • mining/worker droids that go to the nearest ore deposit and return to the nearest deposit box/mining camp
  • cargo dropships (maybe separate mod) that essentially just swap the inventory contents at two endpoints
  • APC vehicle (modified tank) with fast small calibre cannon with explosive shells, inventory auto-deploys and recovers combat droids during/after battle.

##Long-term plans

  • stuff, will add more later.

##Other mod ideas of mine
I plan on making some more smaller utility mods, such as:

#Alpha game aliens - "Zombie mod"
The game way back in early development had humanoid aliens called "Creepers". I have already got a working mod that replaces all small biters with creepers instead (I have the full graphics sheets for them). It's an interesting addition, and the stats for the creepers (which I made up myself) make them harder than normal small biters. Goes well with Robot Army and the AI mod called "Rampant AI".

I want to make an industrial housing building similar to a biter nest, but humanoid (player character sprites) units spawn from them and walk around, just like idle biters. They are all armed with pistols and can defend themselves a little bit, and I will come up with some useful economic bonus or counter or stats or game mechanic to feed them or something like that.