Rally Point - kyranf/robotarmyfactorio GitHub Wiki

Rally Point (Rally Beacon)


The Rally Beacon is a utility object you can place that will command all squads except for Guard Station squads to move to a position near the base of the rally point. The rally command happens every few seconds while the rally beacon is still there.

Squads that are under-sized and have not begun hunting yet will be moved to this point and will stay there until they are picked up, or more droids are added for them to start hunting after the rally beacon is removed.

Squads that are already in combat may not retreat, but they will try once the combat dies off a bit.

Squads that are in "retreat" mode because they have lost too many squad members will be called to the rally point.

Squads that were hunting, but successfully responded to the rally point, will stay there until the rally point is removed and then they will go back out hunting again.

TIP: If you place some of these, but forget where they are and just want them gone, then use this in-game command:

/c for i,j in pairs(game.player.surface.find_entities_filtered({name="rally-beacon", force=game.player.force})) do if (j and j.valid) then j.destroy() end end