Droid Settings Module - kyranf/robotarmyfactorio GitHub Wiki

Droid Settings Module

Note: for information on controlling how many droids are deployed, like counting how many are alive, please see the "Droid Activity Module" wiki page instead.

You can use the Droid Settings Module to adjust your force's squad settings like squad size, hunt radius, guard garrison size, and the retreat size for squads that lose troops in battle.

You can only build one per force! Just like the loot chest.

You can only have one settings module, and it affects all squads/droid assemblers in your force, instantly.

If you destroy the settings module, the settings will persist until another settings module is built and the overrides are changed. Other than seeing what the values are in the config and setting them back yourself, there is currently no way to revert to default.

Virtual Signal Names and Effects:

You can set the outputs of the settings module to any of the following virtual signals to override the defaults:

  • Squad Hunt Radius: changes how far the squads look for enemies. This is default 5k, cannot be negative, or greater than 10k for performance reasons
  • Guard Station Squad Size: changes how many droids the guard stations will spawn around them. Remember guard stations just count how many are nearby, they aren't associated with a particular squad. IF the squad patrols away, the guard station will start spawning more! Cannot be negative
  • Retreat Size: This is the value for hunting squads, when they reach this number they will not go to a new target, they will find the nearest droid assembler and move towards it and wait for reinforcement (new droids being spawned will most likely join their squad, if close enough). Default to 2 I think, cannot be negative, cannot be greater than Hunting Squad Size.
  • Hunting Squad Size: this sets the size that the squad must be before they will try to find targets to hunt. The squad will just stand around until they reach this amount. This cannot be negative.

Hints and tips

You can do some nifty things with these settings, like setting hunt radius to a very low number (eg. 10) and letting a large swarm of robots spawn, and then changing the setting up to something like 5000 again and all squads will (on their next AI update cycle) suddenly find and move towards targets (probably the same target, if squads are nearby).