Home - kyranf/robotarmyfactorio GitHub Wiki

Welcome to the Robot Army wiki!

This is a Factorio Mod based around the need of many players to have a way to wage glorious automated war on the biters - or other players if playing a PvP mod/scenario.

The concept is simple - manufacture droid soldiers, and insert them into a Droid Assembler where they are produced (spawned nearby). The newly created soldier will join a nearby squad if one exists, or it will start its own squad and wait until more robots join. With the Unit Control optional mod by Klonan, you can also control the units like a classical RTS game.

When the squad is large enough (currently 10 by default, change it in config.lua or use the droid settings module) the squad will begin moving to attack the nearest biter nest (within 5k tiles, adjustable as well) or other enemy force's units/buildings - this includes biters and other players and their droids.

Please visit the How it Works page for an overview of what you can do with the mod and how it works.

Mod Spotlight and introduction by Xterminator Youtube: Factorio Mod Spotlight - Robot Army (Automated Combat!)

Basic overview of gameplay (old, from 0.1.3):
Youtube: How to make an army
Youtube: Going for a hunt!

Visit some of the other wiki pages to learn more about the mod and it's content.

Some other pages are:
Droid Assembling Machine
Droid Activity Module
Features otherwise not mentioned
Known Issues
Available Droids