Messages - kyngs/LibreLogin GitHub Wiki

#  The hocon format is very similar to JSON, but it has some extra features.
#  You can find more information about the format on the sponge wiki:
#  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  LibreLogin Messages
#  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  This file contains all of the messages used by the plugin, you are welcome to fit it to your needs.
#  The messages can be written both in the legacy format and in the MiniMessage format. For example, the following message is completely valid: <bold>&aReloaded!</bold>
#  You can find more information about LibreLogin on the github page:

# This actionbar is displayed when the player is prompted to login. Make sure that you have use-action-bar set to true in the configuration.
action-bar-login="&e/login &b<password>"
# This actionbar is displayed when the player is prompted to register. Make sure that you have use-action-bar set to true in the configuration.
action-bar-register="&e/register &b<password> <password>"
# This section contains autocompletes for commands. It is pretty large, so most people leave the defaults.
# !!DO NOT TRANSLATE @players!! It is used to hint out all players online.
autocomplete {
    # This hint is displayed when the player starts typing the /2fa-confirm command.
    # This hint is displayed when the player starts typing the /changepassword command.
    change-password="oldPassword newPassword"
    # This hint is displayed when the player starts typing the /confirmpasswordreset command.
    confirm-password-reset="code newPassword newPassword"
    # This hint is displayed when the player starts typing the /librelogin email test command.
    # This hint is displayed when the player starts typing the /login command.
    # This hint is displayed when the player starts typing the /premium command.
    # This hint is displayed when the player starts typing the /register command.
    register="password password"
    # This hint is displayed when the player starts typing the /resetpassword command.
    # This hint is displayed when the player starts typing the /setemail command.
    set-email="address password"
    # This hint is displayed when the player starts typing the /librelogin user 2fa-off command.
    # This hint is displayed when the player starts typing the /librelogin user alts command.
    # This hint is displayed when the player starts typing the /librelogin user cracked command.
    # This hint is displayed when the player starts typing the /librelogin user delete command.
    # This hint is displayed when the player starts typing the /librelogin user emailoff command.
    # This hint is displayed when the player starts typing the /librelogin user info command.
    # This hint is displayed when the player starts typing the /librelogin user login command.
    # This hint is displayed when the player starts typing the /librelogin user migrate command.
    user-migrate="@players newName"
    # This hint is displayed when the player starts typing the /librelogin user pass-change command.
    user-pass-change="@players newPassword"
    # This hint is displayed when the player starts typing the /librelogin user premium command.
    # This hint is displayed when the player starts typing the /librelogin user register command.
    user-register="@players password"
    # This hint is displayed when the player starts typing the /librelogin user setemail command.
    user-set-email="@players email"
    # This hint is displayed when the player starts typing the /librelogin user unregister command.
    # This hint is displayed when the player starts typing the /verifyemail command.
# This email is sent to the player when they request to reset their password. You can insert any HTML code into this message.
email-password-reset-content="Hello %name%!<br>\nYou (from IP %ip%) have requested to reset your password on %server%.<br>\nIf you did not request this, please ignore this email.<br>\nTo confirm this action, please <b>run the following command in-game: </b><br>\n<b><code><h1>/confirmpasswordreset %code%</h1></code></b><br>\n"
# This is the subject of the email sent to the player when they request to reset their password.
email-password-reset-subject="Reset your password on %server%"
# This email is sent to the player when they request to add a recovery email. You can insert any HTML code into this message.
email-verification-content="Hello %name%!<br>\nYou have requested to add a recovery email on %server%.<br>\nIf you did not request this, please ignore this email.<br>\nTo confirm this action, please <b>run the following command in-game: </b><br>\n<b><code><h1>/verifyemail %code%</h1></code></b><br>\n"
# This is the subject of the email sent to the player when they request to add a recovery email.
email-verification-subject="Verify your email on %server%"
# This message is displayed when the player tries to authorize again.
error-already-authorized="You are already authorized!"
# This message is displayed when the player tries to register again.
error-already-registered="You are already registered!"
# This message is displayed when the configuration file is corrupted.
error-corrupted-configuration="Configuration is corrupted, old one is going to be kept. Cause: %cause%"
# This message is displayed when the messages.conf file is corrupted.
error-corrupted-messages="Messages are corrupted, old ones are going to be kept. Cause: %cause%"
# This message is displayed when the player tries to register with a password that is too short or forbidden.
error-forbidden-password="The password is too short and/or is not allowed!"
# This message is displayed when the player is executing a command, but they are coming from Floodgate.
error-from-floodgate="You can't use this command from Floodgate!"
# This message is displayed when the player uses a command with invalid syntax.
error-invalid-syntax="Usage: <c2>{command}</c2> <c3>{syntax}</c3>"
# This message is displayed when the player tries to send a mail, but it fails to send.
error-mail-not-sent="Failed to send email, perhaps you typed your address wrong? If you are sure that you typed it correctly, please contact an administrator."
# This message is displayed when the player tries to send mail too fast.
error-mail-throttle="You are sending emails too fast! Please wait a bit."
# This message is displayed when the player tries to run /premiumconfirm, before running /premium.
error-no-confirm="Please use /premium <password> first!"
# This message is displayed when the player tries to recover their password, but they don't have a recovery email set.
error-no-email="You don't have a recovery email set!"
# This message is displayed when the player tries to run /mailconfirm, before running /mail.
error-no-mail-confirm="Please use /setemail <email> <password> first!"
# This message is displayed when the player tries to change password without having one.
error-no-password="You don't have a password. You can try using /cracked to disable autologin, and then register."
# This message is displayed when the player tries to run /resetpasswordconfirm, before running /resetpassword.
error-no-password-reset="Please use /resetpassword first!"
# This message is displayed when the player does not have permission to use a command.
error-no-permission="You do not have permission to use this command!"
# This message is displayed when the player tries to use a command that requires authorization.
error-not-authorized="Please authorize first!"
# This message is displayed when someone attempts to use a feature that is not available on MultiProxy.
error-not-available-on-multi-proxy="This feature is not available on MultiProxy!"
# This message is displayed when the player tries to enable autologin, but they already have it enabled.
error-not-cracked="You have autologin enabled, disable it using /cracked!"
# This message is displayed when the player tries to enable autologin, but their account does not exist in the Mojang database.
error-not-paid="This account does not exist in the Mojang database!"
# This message is displayed when the player tries to disable autologin, but they do not have it enabled.
error-not-premium="You do not have autologin enabled, enable it using /premium <password>!"
# This message is displayed when the player tries to login, when they are not registered.
error-not-registered="Please register first!"
# This message is displayed when someone tries to move account to an occupied username.
error-occupied-user="This username is already occupied!"
# This message is displayed when the player tries to login with corrupted password.
error-password-corrupted="Your password is corrupted, please contact an administrator!"
# This message is displayed when the player tries to register with different passwords.
error-password-not-match="Passwords do not match!"
# This message is displayed when someone attempts to reset password while it is disabled.
error-password-resetting-disabled="Password resetting is disabled!"
# This message is displayed when the player tries to register with a password that is too long.
error-password-too-long="The password is too long!"
# This message is displayed when the player tries to authorize with wrong password.
error-password-wrong="Wrong password!"
# This message is displayed when someone attempts to refer an authenticated player.
error-player-authorized="This player is already authenticated!"
# This message is displayed when someone attempts to refer an unregistered player.
error-player-not-registered="This player is not registered!"
# This message is displayed when someone attempts to refer an offline player.
error-player-offline="This player is offline!"
# This message is displayed when someone attempts to refer an online player.
error-player-online="This player is online!"
# This message is displayed when the Mojang API is rate limiting us, therefore we cannot verify whether there is an account with the given username.
error-premium-throttled="The Mojang API is rate limiting our server, please try the command again in a while!"
# This message is displayed when there was an unknown issue while communicating with Mojang, therefore we cannot verify whether there is an account with the given username.
# The error will be printed to the console
error-premium-unknown="There was an unknown error while communicating with the mojang API, please check console for further details!"
# This message is displayed when the player tries to send commands too fast.
error-throttle="You are sending commands too fast! Please wait a bit."
# This message is displayed when an unknown error occurs.
error-unknown="An unknown error occurred! Check console for further information."
# This message is displayed when the player uses an unknown command.
error-unknown-command="Unknown command!"
# This message is displayed when someone attempts to refer an unknown user.
error-unknown-user="This user does not exist!"
# This message is displayed when the player tries to verify their email with a wrong verification code.
error-wrong-mail-verify="Wrong verification code!"
# This message is displayed when the player tries to reset their password with a wrong password reset code.
error-wrong-password-reset="Wrong password reset code!"
# This message is displayed when the player executes /librelogin about.
# !! Clearing this message, or somehow making the command unexecutable is not only cringe, but also considered a violation of the license. !!
info-about="This server is running FOSS authentication plugin, LibreLogin.\nVersion: %version%\nAuthors: kyngs, and other contributors\nSource:\nLicense: Mozilla Public License 2.0"
# This message is displayed when the player has alts.
info-alts="There are %count% players with the same IP address:"
# This message is displayed when the player has alts.
info-alts-entry="- %name% (last seen: %last_seen%)"
# This message is displayed when something has been deleted.
# This message is displayed when something is being deleted.
# This message is displayed when something is disabling.
# This message is displayed when a user executes /librelogin dump.
info-dumped="Dump saved to %file%!"
# This message is displayed when a user executes /librelogin dump.
info-dumping="Creating dump..."
# This message is displayed when something has been edited.
# This message is displayed when something is being edited.
# This message is displayed when something is enabling.
# This message is displayed when the player is kicked from a server.
info-kick="You have been kicked from the server for the following reason: %reason%"
# This message is displayed when the player logs in.
info-logged-in="Logged in!"
# This message is displayed when the player attempts to log in.
info-logging-in="Logging in..."
# This message is displayed when the user executes a command that sends an email.
info-mail-sending="Sending email..."
# This message is displayed when the user verifies their email.
info-mail-verified="Email verified! You can now reset your password if you forget it."
# This message is displayed when the player has no alts.
info-no-alts="There are no other players with the same IP address."
# This message is displayed when the player resets their password.
info-password-reset="Password reset! You can now log in with your new password."
# This message is displayed when the player logs in automatically because they have enabled /premium.
info-premium-logged-in="You have been logged in automatically!"
# This message is displayed when the player registers.
# This message is displayed when the player attempts to register.
# This message is displayed when something has been reloaded.
# This message is displayed when something is being reloaded.
# This message is displayed when the user executes a command that sends a reset email.
info-reset-password-mail-sent="Password reset email sent! If you don't see anything in your inbox, check your spam folder. You have 10 minutes to reset your password."
# This message is displayed when the player attempts to reset their password.
info-resetting-password="Resetting password..."
# This message is displayed when the user executes a command that sends an email.
info-sending-email="Sending email..."
# This message is displayed when the user executes a command that sends an email.
info-sent-email="Email sent!"
# This message is displayed when the player logs in automatically because of a valid session.
info-session-logged-in="You have been logged in automatically!"
# This message is displayed when the player's information is requested.
info-user="UUID: %uuid%\nPremium UUID: %premium_uuid%\nLast Seen: %last_seen%\nJoined: %joined%\n2FA: %2fa%\nEMail: %email%\nIP: %ip%\nLast Authenticated: %last_authenticated%"
# This message is displayed when the user executes a command that sends a verification email.
info-verification-mail-sent="Verification email sent! If you don't see anything in your inbox, check your spam folder. You have 10 minutes to verify your email."
# This message is displayed when the player enables 2FA.
kick-2fa-enabled="Two-factor has been enabled! Please reconnect."
# This message is displayed when the player is kicked because they authorize with wrong password.
kick-error-password-wrong="Wrong password!"
# This message is displayed when the player's username is not allowed.
# See for more information.
kick-illegal-username="You have illegal characters in your username or/and your username is longer than 16 characters!"
# This message is displayed when the player's username is not in the correct case.
# See for more information.
kick-invalid-case-username="Please, change your username to &c%username%"
# This message is displayed when the player's IP has reached the maximum amount of accounts.
# See the configuration key "ip-limit" for more information.
kick-ip-limit="You have reached the maximum amount of accounts per IP!"
# This occurs, when there is a profile conflict.
# See for more information.
kick-name-mismatch="Oh no! It looks like an premium user with activated auto login changed their nickname to %nickname%, therefore there are 2 colliding accounts. Please contact support immediately."
# This message is displayed when the player is kicked because there is not any limbo available.
kick-no-limbo="There's no available limbo to connect you to. Please try again later. If you're the server administrator, please install NanoLimboPlugin."
# This message is displayed when the player is kicked because there is not any server available.
kick-no-lobby="There's no available lobby to connect you to. Please try again later."
# This message is displayed when the player's username is already taken.
kick-occupied-username="Please, change your username to &c%username%"
# This message is displayed when the Mojang API is rate limiting us, therefore we cannot verify whether there is an account with the given username.
kick-premium-error-throttled="The Mojang API is rate limiting our server, please try joining again in a while!"
# This message is displayed when there was an unknown issue while communicating with Mojang, therefore we cannot verify whether there is an account with the given username.
# The error will be printed to the console
kick-premium-error-undefined="There was some issue while communicating with Mojang, if the problem persists, contact the server administrators!"
# This message is displayed when the player disables autologin, they need to be kicked.
kick-premium-info-disabled="Autologin disabled!"
# This message is displayed when the player enables autologin, they need to be kicked.
kick-premium-info-enabled="Autologin enabled!"
# This message is displayed when the player's username is too short.
# See the configuration key "minimum-username-length" for more information.
kick-short-username="Your username is too short! The minimum length is %length% letters."
# This message is displayed when the player takes too long to authorize. (You can specify this time limit in the config file)
kick-time-limit="You took too long to authorize!"
# This message is displayed when the player is prompted to confirm autologin.
prompt-confirm="You are about to enable premium autologin, please take note, that you &4WILL NOT&r be able to connect to your account from cracked client. You can turn this off later by using /cracked. To confirm this action, you have 5 minutes to run /confirmpremium"
# This message is displayed when the player is prompted to login.
prompt-login="Please login using: &e/login &b<password> [2fa_code]"
# This message is displayed when the player is prompted to register.
prompt-register="Please register using: &e/register &b<password> <password>"
# The config revision number. !!DO NOT TOUCH THIS!!
# This subtitle is displayed when the player is prompted to login. Make sure that you have use-titles set to true in the configuration.
sub-title-login="&e/login &b<password>"
# This subtitle is displayed when the player is prompted to register. Make sure that you have use-titles set to true in the configuration.
sub-title-register="&e/register &b<password> <password>"
# This section contains syntax for commands. It is pretty large, so most people leave the defaults.
syntax {
    # This message is displayed when the player attempts to confirm 2FA with wrong syntax.
    # This message is displayed when the player attempts to change password with wrong syntax.
    change-password="<oldPassword> <newPassword>"
    # This message is displayed when the player attempts to confirm password reset with wrong syntax.
    confirm-password-reset="<code> <password> <passwordRepeat>"
    # This message is displayed when the player attempts to test email with wrong syntax.
    # This message is displayed when the player attempts to login with wrong syntax.
    login="<password> [2fa_code]"
    # This message is displayed when the player attempts to enable premium autologin with wrong syntax.
    # This message is displayed when the player attempts to register with wrong syntax.
    register="<password> <passwordRepeat>"
    # This message is displayed when the player attempts to reset password with wrong syntax.
    # This message is displayed when the player attempts to set email with wrong syntax.
    set-email="<address> <password>"
    # This message is displayed when the player attempts to disable 2FA for other user with wrong syntax.
    # This message is displayed when the player attempts to get alts of other user with wrong syntax.
    # This message is displayed when the player attempts to disable premium autologin for other user with wrong syntax.
    # This message is displayed when the player attempts to delete user with wrong syntax.
    # This message is displayed when the player attempts to disable EMail for other user with wrong syntax.
    # This message is displayed when the player attempts to get user info with wrong syntax.
    # This message is displayed when the player attempts to login other user with wrong syntax.
    # This message is displayed when the player attempts to migrate user with wrong syntax.
    user-migrate="<name> <newName>"
    # This message is displayed when the player attempts to change password for other user with wrong syntax.
    user-pass-change="<name> <newPassword>"
    # This message is displayed when the player attempts to enable premium autologin for other user with wrong syntax.
    # This message is displayed when the player attempts to register other user with wrong syntax.
    user-register="<name> <password>"
    # This message is displayed when the player attempts to set EMail for other user with wrong syntax.
    user-set-email="<name> <email>"
    # This message is displayed when the player attempts to unregister user with wrong syntax.
    # This message is displayed when the player attempts to verify email with wrong syntax.
# This title is displayed when the player is prompted to login. Make sure that you have use-titles set to true in the configuration.
# This title is displayed when the player is prompted to register. Make sure that you have use-titles set to true in the configuration.
# This message is displayed when player has begun the 2FA enable procedure.
totp-generating="Generating 2FA code..."
# This message is displayed when the player attempts to finish the 2FA process, but they are not in the process of enabling 2FA.
totp-not-awaiting="You are currently not in the process of enabling 2FA! Please type /2fa to begin the process."
# This message is displayed when the player tries to authorize without providing a 2FA code.
totp-not-provided="You must provide a 2FA code! Use /login <password> <2FA code>, if you lost your code, contact the admins."
# This message is displayed when the player is prompted to scan the 2FA QR code.
totp-show-info="Please scan the QR code on the map into your 2FA app. For example, Google Authenticator or Authy.\nWhen you are complete, please execute the /2faconfirm <code> command to finish the process.\nDisconnect to abort."
# This message is displayed when the player tries to authorize, or finish the 2FA enablement, with a wrong 2FA code.
totp-wrong="Wrong 2FA code!"
# This message is displayed when the player attempts to enable 2FA with an old client.
totp-wrong-version="You must connect with client version %low% - %high%, in order to enable 2FA. You can then connect back with old version again."
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️