Basic API Information - kyngs/LibreLogin GitHub Wiki

LibreLogin offers a vast API, which allows you to fit LibreLogin exactly to your needs. If you are clueless about what something does, fill up an issue, and I will try to answer it ASAP.


Adding the repository

Gradle (KTS):


Gradle (Groovy):

maven {
    url ""



Adding the artifact

Substitute <version> for the version you want to depend on. You can browse available releases here, or you can browse available snapshots (dev builds) here.

Gradle (KTS):


Gradle (Groovy):

compileOnly "xyz.kyngs.librelogin:API:<version>"



I am writing a plugin for...

Paper, Purpur, etc.

You must declare "LibreLogin" as a dependency in your plugin.yml. Then you can get the API instance:

var api = ((LibreLoginProvider<Player, World>) Bukkit.getPluginManager().getPlugin("LibreLogin")).getLibreLogin();


You must declare "librelogin" as a dependency in your plugin annotation. Then you can get the API instance:

var api = ((LibreLoginProvider<Player, RegisteredServer>) server.getPluginManager().getPlugin("librelogin").orElseThrow().getInstance().orElseThrow()).getLibreLogin();

BungeeCord, Waterfall, Flamecord, etc.

You must declare "LibreLogin" as a dependency in your plugin.yml/bungee.yml. Then you can get the API instance:

var api = ((LibreLoginProvider<ProxiedPlayer, ServerInfo>) getProxy().getPluginManager().getPlugin("librelogin")).getLibreLogin();

multiple platforms.

You must get the LibreLogin plugin instance from your platform's plugin manager. Then you need to cast it into LibreLoginProvider<?, ?>


All methods in the API are documented. Sources should be downloaded by your IDE, so you can just look into it. For events, see API Events


If there is a feature that is contained in the implementation, but not in the API, please open up an issue and we will solve it

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