2FA - kyngs/LibreLogin GitHub Wiki

LibreLogin is the only proxy authentication plugin on the market that offers 2FA via TOTP (Google Authenticator, Authy, etc.). This is a great choice if you want to make sure your accounts stay safe.

Setting it up

  • On BungeeCord and Velocity, you must add the "Protocolize" plugin. Download it here.
  • Check the TOTP section in the configuration, make sure that it is enabled, and put your network name in there.
  • You must ensure that players can look downwards in your limbo, otherwise they won't be able to scan the QR code.

How to use it?

Login normally and send the /2fa command. You will be sent into limbo and provided with a map with the QR Code. You then scan this QR Code into your auth app of choice (Authy, Google Authenticator, etc.) and reconnect. Now when logging in you must also provide the code, /login <password> <2facode>

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