Kubernetes - kylessukaichang/kylessukaichang.github.io GitHub Wiki


  • also known as K8s
  • an open-source system for containerized applications.
    • automating deployment
    • scaling
    • management

Learning environment

  • Install Tools
    • kubectl
      • to run commands against Kubernetes clusters.
        • to deploy applications
        • cluster resources
          • inspect
          • manage
        • view logs
    • kind
      • to run Kubernetes on your local computer.
      • requires
        • Docker
    • minikube
      • to run Kubernetes locally.
      • to run a single-node Kubernetes cluster on your personal computer
        • try out Kubernetes
        • for daily development work.
    • kubeadm
      • to create and manage Kubernetes clusters.
      • to perform the actions necessary to get up and running in a user friendly way.
        • a minimum viable
        • secure cluster

Production environment

Kubernetes Basics Modules

  1. Create a Kubernetes cluster
  2. Deploy an app
  3. Explore your app
  4. Expose your app publicly
  5. Scale up your app
  6. Update your app