Ether - kylessukaichang/ GitHub Wiki
- 挖礦需求高漲 Intel:FPGA相當適合挖以太幣
- Category
- Intel® 可程式化加速卡
- OpenVINO
- Category
- How to Optimize Your GPU for Ethereum Mining (Updated)
- Bye-Bye, Miners! How Ethereum’s Big Change Will Work
- Double-spending
- a potential flaw in a digital cash scheme in which the same single digital token can be spent more than once.
- Centralized currencies
- Decentralized currencies
- 51% attack
- Any pool that achieves 51% hashing power can effectively overturn network transactions, resulting in double spending.
- One of the Bitcoin forks, Bitcoin Gold, was hit by such an attack in 2018 and then again in 2020.
- In January 2019, Ethereum Classic was subject to double-spending attacks. From July through August 2020, Ethereum Classic suffered from more 51% attacks.
- Any pool that achieves 51% hashing power can effectively overturn network transactions, resulting in double spending.
- 51% attack
- a potential flaw in a digital cash scheme in which the same single digital token can be spent more than once.
- Proof of work
- Nakamoto
- 2008 Bitcoin white paper
- Nakamoto
- proof of stake
- Double-spending
- 以太幣能源消耗將會少比特幣7,000倍!省電挖礦的關鍵新機制是什麼?
- Five Years of Ethereum: From a Teenage Dream to a $38B Blockchain
- Fake Deposit Attack