Bifurcation - kylessukaichang/ GitHub Wiki

  • Synopsys
    • Express Yourself
  • Bifurcation
    • Hard Strap
    • Soft Strap
    • Wait for BIOS
  • 電腦王
    • 2 個 PEX 8747 擴增成 7 條 PCIe 插槽,Asus 發表 WS X299 SAGE 主機板
      • PCIe(Peripheral Component Interconnect Express)之後,各介面卡與晶片組之間享有獨立的通道,不再與其它介面卡共享頻寬。因為如此,處理器和晶片組所擁有的 PCIe 通道以及支援多少設備連結就相當重要

      • Intel 今年(按:2017年)推出能夠支援最多 44 條 PCIe 通道的 HEDT 平台,Asus 也就沒有必要使用 PEX 8747 晶片

  • Broadcom
  • EE|Times
    • PLX PCIe 3.0 switches PEX8712 PEX8748
      • High-speed
      • Chip-to-chip
      • Backplane
        • a group of electrical connectors in parallel with each other, so that each pin of each connector is linked to the same relative pin of all the other connectors, forming a computer bus.

        • It is used as a backbone to connect several printed circuit boards together to make up a complete computer system.

        • Backplanes commonly use a printed circuit board, but wire-wrapped backplanes have also been used in minicomputers and high-reliability applications.

        • A backplane is generally differentiated from a motherboard by the lack of on-board processing and storage elements.

        • A backplane uses plug-in cards for storage and processing.

  • ASUS
  • Intel
    • NUC
      • Intel® NUC 9 Extreme/Pro Kits
        • Bifurcation on PCIe 3.0 x16 Intel® NUC 9 Extreme/Pro Kits
          • When a single PCIe 3.0 x16 add-in card is used in the PCIe 3.0 x16 slot, it can access the full PCIe 3.0 x16 bandwidth.

          • When the M.2 slot, the PCIe x4 slot, or both are used, they get access to x4 lines.

          • Additionally, the x16 slot is reduced to x8 when used in this way.

  • Syba