[Summary]Security Experts Expect ‘Shellshock’ Software Bug in Bash to Be Significant - kylessukaichang/kylessukaichang.github.io GitHub Wiki

Security Experts Expect ‘Shellshock’ Software Bug in Bash to Be Significant


  • Shellshock can be used to take over the entire machine.
    • potentially including (something on top of the older work like UNIX or from Open Source Community.)
      • Macintosh computers
      • smartphones
        • the Android operating system.
  • Shellshock was not discovered for 22 years. (from 1992 until 2014.)
  • Mr. Ramey
    • has maintained the software as an unpaid hobby. (from 1992.)
    • inadvertently introduced Shellshock in a new Bash feature in 1992,
    • was not keeping comprehensive logs.
  • Mr. Fox
    • the Bash inventor
    • joked that his first reaction to the Shellshock discovery was, “Aha, my plan worked.”
  • Jim Zemlin
    • the executive director of the Linux Foundation
    • “Software is eating the world. The bad news is software is hard and complex.”
  • Steven M. Bellovin
    • a computer science professor at Columbia University
    • “Quality takes work, design, review and testing and those are not nearly as much fun as coding,”
    • “If the open-source community does not develop those skills, it’s going to fall further behind in the quality race.”