Project Roadmap - kylemarsh/jekyll-gallery-generator GitHub Wiki
Things that users expect from the software
Gallery Creator Requirements:
- Minimal required effort â at the simplest, site creator just puts images in a directory and get an album
- Site creator can put title/caption in image metadata to include in album
- Site creator can use any (common?) image types
- Site creator can make arbitrarily deep sub-albums
- Site creator can write descriptions for albums
- Site creator can create password-protected albums
- Site creator can create hidden (but not locked) albums
- Site creator can specify a cover photo for an album
- Site creator can specify a sort order (asc or desc; image name, date taken, custom metadata) for an album
- Site creator can control pagination of an individual album
- Site creator can add a watermark to images that get put in an album
Gallery Visitor Requirements:
- Visitor sees simple URLs for albums & images: ââ
- Large albums are paginated for visitors
- Visitor can use arrow keys / simple mouse clicks to move from one image to the next without going back to the album index
- Visitor is able to download full-size image
- Visitor can see all metadata for an image
Distillation of discrete pieces of functionality from Requirements
- Auto-generate index page for each album
- Include album images in index page
- Generate multiple image sizes (including thumbnails)
- Recurse and create sub-albums from folders in each album
- Implement album Front Matter:
- album description
- album cover photo
- sort order
- file creation date
- filename
- metadata fields
- specify pagination
- specify hidden
- specify htaccess?
- can set defaults in _config.yml
- Viewing individual images:
- lightbox for image viewing?
- individual image pages?
- Bind keys to movement actions
- Read image metadata
- Include title/caption from metadata in single-image view
- include other metadata in single-image view?
- Generate maps from location data?
- Move images directly into album directory?
- generate album pages for individual tags?
Features organized by importance and complexity into rough "releases"
- Auto-generate index page for each album
- Include album images in index page
- Recurse and create sub-albums from folders in each album
- Create individual image pages
- Bind arrow keys to movement actions
- Include title/caption from metadata in single-image view
- Album description
- Album sort order (filename)
- Album sort order (file creation date)
- Album pagination
- Hidden albums
- put images in album's directory instead of â/albums/âŠâ
- Generate multiple image sizes (including thumbnails) â cache these? Use existing plugins:
- Album cover photo
- Album sort order (arbitrary metadata)
- Album front matter defaults in _config.yml
- Include arbitrary(?) metadata in single-image view
- Album locking via .htaccess
Future Possibilities:
- Generate album pages for tags?
- Use lightbox for image viewing instead of image pages?
- Generate maps from location data?