Updating PKHeX Core and ALM - kwsch/SysBot.NET GitHub Wiki

SysBot already contains stable releases of Auto Legality Mod and PKHeX Core. However, it does not automatically update legality checking for every new bug fix or new event.

Please note that updating the DLLs will put you on an UNSTABLE BUILD which can break the bot. Do not do this unless you understand what you are doing. Help is not provided for this use case; do not do this unless you can troubleshoot everything yourself.

Note that you do not always need to update both at the same time, and they can be incompatible with each other. Again, this is why we encourage you only to do this if you know what you are doing.

If you are trying to make a new Pokémon legal, you likely can get away with only updating PKHeX.Core.dll. If you are trying to fix an error in generation, you may need PKHeX.Core.AutoMod.dll.

Updating to Unstable PKHeX or Auto-Legality Mod

You will need to build SysBot.NET. There isn't any getting around it. Refer to the Building the .sln page for how to get started.

Updating PKHeX.Core only

  • If SysBot.NET builds without updating NuGet, you can simply build SysBot.NET, then download the PKHeX Development Build and move all required dlls (PKHeX.Core.dll, potentially PKHeX.Drawing.PokeSprite.dll and PKHeX.Drawing.dll) into the running directory.
  • If SysBot.NET does not build on latest stable PKHeX, you will need to build development PKHeX and move the core dll into NuGet. This is covered on Bleeding Edge PKHeX-Plugins. After you have manually updated the NuGet files, you can then build SysBot.NET.
  • If updating PKHeX.Core alone causes problems with Auto-Legality Mod, you will have to update both (see the section below).

Updating PKHeX-Plugins and PKHeX.Core

  1. Follow the instructions for building Bleeding Edge PKHeX-Plugins. This should also have you update PKHeX and the NuGet folder.
  2. If you updated your NuGet folder for PKHeX correctly, building SysBot.NET should automatically pull the latest PKHeX Core version.
    • If PKHeX.Drawing.PokeSprite.dll and PKHeX.Drawing.dll have been updated since last stable, you may need to add these to SysBot.Pokemon\deps.
  3. To update Auto-Legality Mod, place the PKHeX.Core.AutoMod.dll you built into SysBot.Pokemon\deps folder in the SysBot.NET repo.
  4. Build the solution for SysBot.NET once you have either or both of these in place.

Again, help is not provided if there are further errors that you do not know how to troubleshoot. In some cases, you will need to update parts of Auto-Legality Mod or SysBot.NET to work with latest dependencies. Our recommendation is to wait for a stable release in that case.