Twitch Integration - kwsch/SysBot.NET GitHub Wiki

Get a Twitch Access Token for bots from Twitch, and fill out the Twitch configuration fields. You will need to define:

  1. Channel: The username that owns the channel you will be streaming on; this is to tell your bot which channel to join and interact with.
  2. Username: The username of the bot account that will be interacting with your channel.
  3. Token: The user access token for the bot account. Your token must have the following scopes:
    • chat:edit
    • chat:read
    • whispers:edit
    • whispers:read

Close the program and open it again after adding this information.

WARNING: Do not run the bot with credentials that are your own user (streaming) account.

  • Twitch will warn you and suspend your main account if you are found to be self-botting.
  • Create a separate bot account and generate your login token for that bot.

The Twitch bot maintains a list of users waiting for a code. If they do not whisper a code fast enough, they will be removed from the list.

Stream Overlays

In the Stream settings, you will see the option to generate multiple files to be used as overlays:

  • CreateAssets: Turn this on if you want the bot to generate assets.
  • On Deck: Users next in line
  • On Deck 2: Users next in line (if you want two columns)
  • User List: Users in queue (for scrolling text) -- not useful when running multiple bots.
  • Queue Count: Count of how many users in queue.

Trade Code Blocking

These settings creates a custom image to be used as an overlay to keep viewers from sniping trade codes. Without this generated asset, you should consider putting a delay on your stream so that trade codes are not sniped. The blocking image is created when entering a trade code and deleted when the trade code is no longer visible on the screen (either as a menu or dialog).

  • CopyImageFile: Set this to True if you want to use a custom image. Otherwise, the program will generate a black rectangle.
  • TradeBlockFile: If you want to have a custom image, this should be a path to where the image is located. The image can have any name. A path will look something like C:\Users\Anubis\Desktop\image.png.
  • TradeBlockFormat: When a blocking image (either the black rectangle or your custom image) is generated, it is copied into the SysBot.exe directory and renamed. This field is for the name format for that copied image.
    • For example, setting this to block_{0}.png for a Switch IP of will create a block image named block_192.168.1.20.png every time the Link Code is being entered. Multiple bots can be configured this way since each will use the unique IP address as the name.
  • To set up your overlay for each bot in OBS, create a temporary png at the expected path with the expected name. Add an Image Source and select this png. Size it appropriately.
    • For example, if your SysBot.NET directory is C:\SysBot and the block image for a bot is expected to be block_192.168.1.20, the copied block image will be located at C:\SysBot\block_192.168.1.20.png. You should create a dummy png at this location and use it to configure OBS.