Agenda for Organization meeting 2018 03 06 - kwruby/ GitHub Wiki


  • review the presentation playbook that I have written up
  • what other things to promote
  • what other groups to connect with (e.g., geek girl dinner, hacker nest, hivewr)
  • discuss goals for the year

Goals for the year to discuss

  • finish finding presentations for the remaining 6 months
  • find all the companies which use ruby
  • find all the developers which use ruby, and have a public presence

Outstanding presentation contacts

  • gitlab
  • miovision corey_martella (is expecting me to contact him again)
  • david_rapin, no response yet
  • craig_lehmann about mruby Shopify (expecting me to contact him again)

Presentation contacts to consider

  • eSentire @ralph_janke about how they are using ruby
  • person at D2L who committed to the inspect-aws project and is doing Chef stuff
  • myles braithwaite who works on discourse in toronto
    • I think she is in Montreal, so funding might be important
    • she is builing a ruby benchmarking/performance system
  • slate API system is used at
    • martin_gingras has attended
    • contact to ask if he knows if anyone would like to present about it and discuss their choices

List of companies to investigate