| Home |
Concepts |
Types |
a base_quantity raised to a non-zero rational power
type |
model of |
notes |
E, E1, E2 |
base_quantity_exponent |
Eres |
base_quantity exponent |
local result |
B |
base_quantity |
R |
rational |
D |
dimension |
value |
type |
notes |
e1 |
E1 |
e2 |
E2 |
eres |
Eres |
n,d |
int |
concept |
notes |
dimension<E> |
a model of base_quantity_exponent is implicitly a model of dimension |
typefunction |
result |
notes |
get_base_quantity<E> |
B |
B is the base_quantity for E |
get_exponent<E> |
R |
R is the exponent of E. R is never equal to ratio<0>{} |
inline_bool_constant |
value |
notes |
of_same_base_quantity< E1, E2 > |
true if E1,E2 are exponents of same base quantity |
base_quantity_exp_is_zero< E > |
true if the exponent of E is zero |
inline_bool_constant |
value |
notes |
impl::is_base_quantity_exponent_impl<E> |
true |
states that E meest the requirements below |
typestruct |
result |
notes |
impl::get_base_quantity_impl<E> |
B |
B is the base_quantity for E |
impl::get_exponent_impl<E> |
R |
R is the exponent of E. R is never equal to ratio<0>{} |