How to add a Python project with Sphinx documentation to `` - kutaslab/ GitHub Wiki

Dramatis Personæ

  • Your GitHub repo with Sphinx documentation that can be used to generate HTML files.
  • Travis, a remote service that will clone your repo, generate HTML using Sphinx, and put the HTML files where you want them. Configured using .travis.yml, a file that you put in the repo.
  • GitHub Pages, a GitHub service that takes HTML files found in a repo and puts them up as a website.

Table of contents

Step 1: Prepare your project

Make sure you know the steps to successfully run Sphinx on a fresh copy of your code, you will need them in part 3 of this tutorial.

For Python projects, this includes:

  1. Installing the dependencies. To pull out the docstrings in your code, Sphinx imports the submodules of your project. Unless all dependencies are in place, the imports will fail and Sphinx will complain.
  2. Compiling Cython extensions if you have them.
  3. Having the correct path prepended to sys.path in This tells Sphinx where to look for your project to import it. For instance, if you have the following project structure:

you need to have these three lines

import os
import sys

sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('../..'))

at the top of

Step 2: Activate Travis

Travis is a remote service that executes arbitrary code when it detects a new commit in your repo. We use it to build documentation.

Create a GitHub access token as described here and copy it. For security it's better to only select public_repo so Travis cannot access your private repos.

We assume your repo is under the kutaslab organization on GitHub. Go to, log into your Travis account and activate the repo. In the repo settings, you will see the following fields:


Enter your GitHub token as follows and click add:


This lets Travis commit generated HTML files back to the repo on your behalf.

Step 3: Create .travis.yml in your repo

Here's a sensible starting point:

sudo: false
language: python
    - '3.6'
cache: pip
install: # run necessary commands from Step 1
    - pip install numpy pandas scipy # replace with your dependencies
    - python ./ build_ext --inplace # remove if no Cython extensions
script: # build docs
    - pip install sphinx # add what's needed, Sphinx themes/extensions, etc.
    - cd docs # replace with your docs directory
    - make html
    - touch build/html/.nojekyll # let GitHub know we are not using Jekyll
    provider: pages
    skip_cleanup: true
    github_token: $GITHUB_TOKEN
    keep-history: true
        branch: master  # replace with branch you want to use
    target_branch: gh-pages # that's the default anyway, just to be explicit
    local_dir: docs/build/html # replace with your html directory

Commit .travis.yml in the main project directory and push to GitHub. This will trigger Travis to start building the documentation.

Open Travis and click Build History for your repo. Select the latest build to see its status. Most likely, something will fail (you forgot a dependency or specified the docs directory incorrectly). Check the build log to find the error, fix it and commit again until Travis succeeds.

A new gh-pages branch should appear in your repo, containing newly generated HTML files.

Step 4: Tell GitHub to use gh-pages

In the repo settings on GitHub, select gh-pages as the branch to use for GitHub Pages and click Save:


In a couple minutes the bar will turn green:


You should now be able to see your project documentation under

Step 5: Add a link to your project on

Clone kutaslab/, modify index.rst to include a link to your project, then commit and push. For example, you can add:

* **project_name**: summary of your project

   * `source code <>`_
   * `documentation <>`_

The link will be visible in a couple minutes.