Mother nature (Update pack) - kuruskabir/newertest GitHub Wiki
New biomes v1.0
- Grassland
- Savannah
- Arid desert
- Semi-arid desert
- Cold desert
- Mediterranean forest
- Rainforest
- Temperate forest
- Boreal forest
- Swamp
- Thundra
- Bog
- Ice sheet
- Precipiation
- Wind
- Temperature
Weather effects
- Clouds
- Flood
- Rain
- Snow
- Storm
- Water freezing
- Frost
- Dust storm
- Lava smoke
- Puddles
- Breath condensation
- Fog, mist and haze
New biomes (fantasy expansion add race)
- Old/Giant forest
- Volcanic mountain
- Salt desert
- Mistland (flatland, forest and mountain) (Sulfuric spring)
- Petrified forest- [ (Mineral trees)
- Moonland/Dead land (Always dark) - Dead plants, all plants that grow in this biome dies fast.
- Blossom valley (Has lots of springs and flower trees, full of life and no carnevours)
- Fungi forest ( Giant fungi forest) - Large mashrooms