Tips - kupferlauncher/kupfer GitHub Wiki
= Kupfer Tips =
This page is a work in progress. '''Feel free to edit and improve upon these pages. It's a Wiki.'''
''' ''As of 2017, most of the information has been included in Kupfer's user documentation which is located at: '' '''
If a tip on this page doesn't work for you, it can be that it will only work in the latest released version. Tips are not included here that only apply to unreleased versions of kupfer (unless explicitly marked).
== Configuration files and paths ==
Kupfer cache, config and data are in ~/.cache/kupfer ~/.config/kupfer ~/.local/share/kupfer
Install custom plugins in
== "Dynamic Folders" ==
You can bind a trigger to (A folder) → Search Contents. When pressing the trigger key, kupfer pops up with the directory listing of that folder, and you can search or browse it immediately.
You can create a dynamic notes (Tomboy or Gnote) folder using the action "Get Notes Search Results..". Say your topic is "GNOME" you can create a trigger or saved command "GNOME" → Get Notes Search Results... If you use 'Save As...' to save this as a command file on the desktop, then you have a double-clickable dynamic notes folder. Double-click it and Kupfer pops open with a list of notes that match the topic (in this example it was "GNOME")
The Tracker plugin supports the simplest kind of savedSearch files like dynamic folders. As of this writing, only the text query key is supported, like this:
Inside the file ''physics.savedSearch'': {{{
physics }}}== Select in Kupfer ==
The action ''Select in Kupfer'' only has sensible use in Triggers. (Although, on second thought, it can also be used if you absoltely want an object to be inside the ''Command Results'' subcatalog). Just like the "Summon Kupfer with Selection" global keyboard shortcut, ''Select in Kupfer'' lets you make a trigger for "Summon Kupfer with X" where X is anything, for greatest effect maybe a Proxy object such as Fronstmost Window.
== Hidden Gems ==
Kupfer understands extended latin alphabets. You can find objects using either accented or unaccented letters in your search.
- Suð í eyrum is matched by search
sud i eyrum
(Useful for all the song names of different origin in your music collection, for example by Sigur Rós) - Übung.pdf is matched by searches
(Useful for anything with latin non-ascii letters in its name).
- Suð í eyrum is matched by search
== Use during Drag & Drop ==
When dragging an object, the window manager normally locks most actions (you can't alt-tab). You can summon Kupfer during drags and you can also switch windows in a rudimentary way if you bind a trigger to Next Window -> Activate.
== Which Proxy Objects Exist? ==
A Proxy Object is an object that is dynamically resolved when loaded from saved commands (in triggers or in commands saved to file).
The following proxy objects exist (Plugin name):
- Selected Text (core)
- Last Command (core)
- Last Result (core)
- Frontmost Window (Window List)
- Next Window (Window List)
The action ''Run (Take Result)'' from the plugin ''Higher-order Actions'' creates a new proxy object which is resolved each time by the command it was created from. While convoluted, an example can be ''Selected Text → Translate to English → Run (Take Result)'' which makes a proxy text object containing the result of translating the selected text. (Translate is from the Google Translate plugin). The translate action is carried out when the command object is resolved (for example when the trigger is activated).
'''NOTE:''' Higher-order Actions is experimental and it cannot be guaranteed that it will stay in future versions of Kupfer!