Plugins.Announce.FAQ - kupferlauncher/kupfer GitHub Wiki
Frequently Asked Questions about Plugins.Announce
Well, it's actually more like AQ, i.e. "Anticipated Questions", than FAQ...
What is Plugins.Announce?
Plugins.Announce is a page primarily intended for announcing to the world:
- release of new third-party plugins,
- existence of third-party plugins not previously announced, and
- updates to existing third-party plugins.
Other plugin-related announcements by the Kupfer project maintainers (e.g. about API changes, new or updated Kupfer project plugins, etc.) might also make sense.
How can I post an announcement?
Just edit Plugins.Announce and add your announcement.
To make it simple for readers to see the latest announcements, new announcements should be posted at the top of the list just below the introductory header. Please don't defeat the purpose of the list by moving your announcement to the top after others have posted newer announcements above it.
Are there any recommendations in making an announcement?
With the goal being brevity, the following are recommended to be included in posting an announcement:
- a general header such as "New Plugin", "New Plugin Announcement" (for existing plugins not previously listed), "Updated Plugin", etc, followed by the name of the plugin (e.g.
New Plugin : My Image Viewer
), - a brief description of the plugin (and updates, if applicable),
- a link to a location from which the plugin may be obtained (maybe just make the plugin name a link), and
- separation of the announcement from the one that follows by a Horizontal Rule.
Other items may be added, such as author, version, compatible Kupfer version, dependencies, etc.