10 Case Statement - kumar159man/MyShellLearning GitHub Wiki
Switch Case in bash scripting
Let's write a shell script for calculator operation
read -p "Enter first number" num1
read -p "Enter second number" num2
echo "****************Menu for calculator********************"
echo "For Addition enter +"
echo "For Substraction enter -"
echo "For Multiplication enter x"
echo "For Division enter /"
echo "*******************************************************"
read -p "Enter the your option" opt
case $opt in
echo "Addition of $num1 and $num2 is $((num1+num2))"
echo "Substraction of $num1 and $num2 is $((num1-num2))"
echo "Multiplication of $num1 and $num2 is $((num1*num2))"
echo "Division of $num1 and $num2 is $(bc<<< "scale=2; $num1/$num2")"
echo "Invalid Choice"
Let's write another shell script to demonstrate regular expression in case statement
read -p "Enter a character" ch
case $ch in
echo "The character entered is a digit"
echo "The character entered is a lower case alphabet"
echo "The character entered is an upper case alphabet"
echo "The character entered is some kind of symnol"