BlackHole - kujungmul/BlackHole GitHub Wiki
Welcome to the BlackHole wiki!
This page describes the usage of "BlackHole" algorithm implementation.
Environment Setting
- The results can be guaranteed with linux 64-bit environment. If you use 32-bit environment, you should install linux-64 bit before.
Installation & Running
Download the BlackHole file in github.
Follow these commands
- unzip
- cd BlackHole-master/Debug
Compile source codes
- make clean
- make all
Run the program
- ./BlackHole [Input Edge List FILE] [DIMENSION] [Alpha] [MinPTS] [Pruning Rate]
- example) ./BlackHole ../Data/football.dat 2 0.05 5 0.1
File & Directory Structure
- Debug : including make file
- Data : football, synthetic network data & output data
- src : source code and header file
Output Data
- [Input Edge List FILE]_position.out : Index / X / Y : each row means index, x, and y position. there is no clustering information
- [Input Edge List FILE]_position.out_MinPts [MinPTS]_RemovePrecent [PruningRate]_EPS [EstimationParam].dat : Index / clusterID / core : this file include each node's cluster information
If you have any question, feel free to email me. ([email protected])