Variable Handler for RPM - kujuman/NavInstruments GitHub Wiki

Module Name: ModuleNavUtilsInfo

Method: NavInfo


  • SELECTEDGLIDESLOPE glideslope in degrees
  • BEARING runway bearing
  • DME meters distance to the runway (glideslope, not localizer)
  • ELEVATIONANGLE elevation in degrees above projected horizon
  • LOCALIZERDEVIATION difference in degrees between bearing and runway heading
  • GLIDESLOPEDEVIATION difference in degrees between elevation angle and selected glideslope
  • RUNWAYHEADING compass heading of runway in degrees
  • SELECTEDRUNWAYALT selected runway altitude (meters)
  • SELECTEDRUNWAYIDENT selected runway name (the long name)
  • SELECTEDRUNWAYSHORTID selected runway name (the short one)
  • SELECTEDRUNWAYLAT elected runway latitude (in decimal degrees)
  • SELECTEDRUNWAYLON selected runway longitude (in decimal degrees)

(see further documentation @