Firmware Flashing OTA - kueblc/mocktuyacloud GitHub Wiki

Successfully flashed :+1:

Device Model prod_idx Reported by Date Notes
EtecFamily USB Power Strip ZLD-44USA-W 07200406 kueblc 2019-01-13
Hyleton US Smart Plug 311 02200370 kueblc 2019-01-17
Geeni - Merkury Innovations White Tunable Wifi Bulb 902 06200218 kueblc 2019-01-17
Geeni - Merkury Innovations Color Wifi Bulb 904 06200658 kueblc 2019-01-17 FCCID 2AJ3WEBEQPW06
Medion Life+ Smart Plug S85225 77180230 drushbrook 2019-01-22 3 of 4

Did NOT flash :confused:

Device Model prod_idx Reported by Date Notes
Mirabella Genio Wi-Fi Dim Bulb 14682127 drushbrook 2019-01-22 2 of 2

Flashed, then bricked :frowning:

Device Model prod_idx Reported by Date Notes
Medion Life+ Smart Plug S85225 77180230 drushbrook 2019-01-22 1 of 4. version 1.1.0