Project Information - kubasub/chinese-checkers GitHub Wiki

We will be creating a version of Chinese Checkers. Our target audience will be users that are 6 years of age and older. It will be played with both human and computer players. Our target platform will be Android phones (original launch on OS version 4.0, API version level 14). If there is time we will also consider an implementation that can be used on a suitable tablet platforms.

We will be developing the solution using Android Studio using [GitHub] ( as our source code repository.

Graphics will be created using OpenGL.

Networking will be accomplished using the internet via HTTP and centralized on a web server using Node.js. Heavy processing for the AI will be executed on the web server so as to limit the processing power needed on the user's device. JSON will be the preferred method to exchange data between the Node server and Android clients.

The database solution will be MySQL.

We will implement the game as a "push game" -- where users are notified when it is there turn. This will add the option of playing a game over multiple sittings, while maintaining the ability to a play fast-paced game.

All technical documents and project tracking will be available from the GitHub [wiki] ( and service hooks available from this tool.