Agenda for meeting, scheduled for Jan 30th @ 5:30pm - kubasub/chinese-checkers GitHub Wiki

Note to everyone on the team: Please feel free to adjust and add your own items


  • Where do we stand with what we have now? How far are we from the completion of the first iteration
  • What testing and documentation is still outstanding?
  • Are there any topics or major decisions still needing to be made for this iteration?
  • When do we want to present our product to Vlad?
  • Curt is out of town, minutes will be needed to keep him informed.

Review project task progress

  • functionality of current application
  • review of last week's tasks
  • status of each department

Plan tasks to be done before the next meeting 7-Feb 2013 @ 5:30pm (possibly sooner)

  • first iteration goals met
  • delegation of outstanding tasks or clean up for this iteration