June 6 Delivery - ku-sldg/stairCASE GitHub Wiki
Attestation Demo Punch List
Todo list for getting the attestation system integrated with the larger CASE June 6 demo. Annotate with due dates and responsibilities.
- Communication among UserAM & PlatformAM - Michael
- Move to data port communications
- Move request and evidence between UserAM and PlatformAM
- Signing and signature checking - Grant
- Issues on CAmkES
- Works on Linux VM - Will face CMmkES signature if we have to, but would rather not.
- Nonce generation - Grant
- Linux is the only place we need this for demo
- Accesses ODROID random number generator
- Communication among UserAM & UAVAM
- Call API generated by HAMR - Collins
- Decide on message structure - All - Wrapper around Copland evidence for request and evidence - All - Evidence to JSON function and inverse - Grant
- Measurement - Perry, Michael - Integrity measurement for UxAS image (UserAM) - Integrity measurement for VM (PlatformAM)
- Copland protocol execution via AM - Grant, Adam, Michael
- Compile statically to AVM - Execute AVM on AM
- Communication among UserAM & PlatformAM - Michael
- Startup with Key in image
- Perform a measurement
- Send initial evidence to UAVAM with 0 nonce
- Receive request from UAVAM
- Execute measurement
- Send request to PlatformAM
- Receive evidence from PlatformAM
- Sign evidence
- Send evidence to UAVAM
- Loop back to Receive Request
- Startup with Key in image
- Receive request from UserAM
- Perform measurement
- Sign evidence
- Send evidence to UserAM
- Startup with Key in image
- CAkeML file of data structures compiled in for initialization
- Receive initial evidence from UserAM
- Send request to UserAM with nonce
- Receive evidence from UserAM
- Check signatures and values
- Update good/bad table
- pseudo-random wait
- Loop back to send request
Simplifications for June Demo
- No sel4AM
- Keys are stored in images
- AMs execute single, hard coded protocols
- No time outs or other error handling
- One ground station whose parameters are hard coded