Haskino Protocol Definition - ku-fpg/haskino GitHub Wiki

Haskino Firmware Protocol Definition

General Frame Format

The Haskino Firmware protocol uses the following frame format for messages between the host computer and the Arduino:

Frame Flag Command Type Command Bytes Checksum Frame Flag
0x7E 0xXX 0xXX .. 0xXX 0xXX 0x7E

The frame flag at the start of the frame is optional, but may be used on the first frame to clear any partial frames that may have been left over from a previous conection. The checksum used is a simple additive checksum over the Command Type byte and the Command bytes (the entire frame except for the frame flags and the checksum itself). The checksum is also calculated over the original frame, and does not include escape characters. A checksum calculation was chosen over a CRC due to limited storage and processing power on the Arduino, and the low noise environment of the USB serial connection from the host to the board. The checksum is mainly used to detect partial frames that might be left over by an interrupted communications.

If the body of the frame contains any Frame Flag (0x7E) characters they are escaped by transforming them into a Frame Escape character (0x7D) and the Frame Flag xor'ed with 0x20 (which results in a two byte sequence of 0x7D 5E). If the Frame Escape character appears in the body, it is also escape, replaced with a Frame Escape followed by the Escape xor'ed with 0x20, resulting in a two byte sequence of (0x7D 0x5D).

Command Type

Board Control Commands (0x2x)


Command Type Command Name Command Description
0x10 Set Pin Mode Set the Pin Mode (INPUT/OUTPUT/INPUT_PULLUP of a pin)
0x11 Delay Milliseconds Delay by a number of milliseconds
0x12 Delay Microseconds Delay by a number of microseconds
0x13 System Reset Command a reset of the board

Board Status Commands (0x2x)


Command Type Command Name Command Description
0x20 Request Version Request the Haskino Firmware version from the board
0x21 Request Type Request the type of Arduino board from the board
0x22 Request Micros Request the number of microseconds elapsed since reboot of the board
0x23 Request Millis Request the number of milliseconds elapsed since reboot of the board
0x28 Response Version Response from board with the Haskino Firmware version
0x29 Response Type Response from board with the type of Arduino board
0x2A Response Micros Response from board with the number of microseconds elapsed since reboot of the board
0x2B Response Millis Response from board with the number of milliseconds elapsed since reboot of the board
0x2C Response String Response from the board with a string (Useful for debuging of the firmware code

Digital Commands (0x3x)


Command Type Command Name Command Description
0x30 Digital Read Pin Request a read of the digital pin
0x31 Digital Write Pin Write a digital value to a pin
0x32 Response Digital Read Pin Response with the digital value of a pin

Analog Commands (0x4x)


Command Type Command Name Command Description
0x40 Analog Read Request a read of the digital pin
0x41 Analog Write Write a digital value to a pin
0x42 Tone Output a tone on a pin of specified frequency and optionally duration
0x43 NoTone Stop tone output on a pin
0x48 Response Analog Read Response with the analog value of a pin

I2C Commands (0x5x)


Command Type Command Name Command Description
0x50 I2C Read Request a read of bytes from an I2C device
0x51 I2C Write Write bytes to an I2C device
0x58 Response I2C Read Response with the values from an I2C device

One Wire Commands (0x6x)

Command Type Command Name Command Description
0x6x TBD

Servo Commands (0x8x)

Command Type Command Name Command Description
0x8x TBD

Stepper Commands (0x9x)

Command Type Command Name Command Description
0x9x TBD

Scheduler Commands (0xAx)


Command Type Command Name Command Description
0xA0 Create Task Create a scheduler task
0xA1 Delete Task Delete a scheduler task
0xA2 Add To Task Add commands to a scheduler task
0xA3 Schedule Task Schedule a task for execution
0xA4 Query Task Query a Task stats
0xA5 Query All Tasks Query for a list of tasks
0xA6 Reset Scheduler Reset scheduler, deleting all tasks
0xA8 Response Query Task Response with status of a task
0xA9 Response Query All Tasks Response with a list of tasks