Building Haskino Firmware - ku-fpg/haskino GitHub Wiki

Arduino IDE

Haskins Firmware is a standard Arduino sketch, so just open HaskinoFirmeware.ino in the Arduino IDE, and after setting your Arduino board type and your Arduino serial port in the IDE, you may build and upload it like any other sketch.

Command Line

You may also use the command line to make Haskino Firmware. To do so, you need to install Sudar Muthu's Arduino Makefile from This should be installed at the haskino/firmware directory level (i.e. such that you have a haskino/firmware/Haskino-Makefile directory). After installation of the Arduino Makefile package, update the firmware/HaskinoFirmware/Makefile for the type of board and the serial port you are using. You can then build the firmware with 'make' from the firmware/HaskinoFirmware, clean it with 'make clean', and upload it to the Arduino with 'make upload'. Build products will be in the firmware/HaskinoFirmware/build-boardName directory.


The EEPROMErase.ino sketch provides a way to erase a Haskino program that is programmed to the EEPROM. Building it and flashing it to the target board will clear the EEPROM, and then the HaskinoFirmware.ino sketch may be reloaded.