Vision Statement - ktanemura/CobraBall GitHub Wiki

Vision Statement

Our team set out to develop a dodgeball type game in which players would attempt to knock each other off of a platform by shooting dodgeballs at each other. As of the publication of this wiki, we have successfully developed such a game with additional features we believe enhance the player experience.


CobraBall is a multiplayer dodgeball-like game with a few fun twists.

Gameplay Synopsis


CobraBall is unique because it combines first person shooter elements with the familiar mechanics of everybody's favorite gym class game - dodgeball. There is no game on the market that uses classic red dodgeballs in a FPS context. The added objective of knocking opponents off of a platform isn't novel on its own, but its execution in CobraBall with dodgeballs providing knockback appears to be the first of its kind.


The core play mechanic of CobraBall is to stay on the platform they're spawned onto. A player can win the game without firing a single dodgeball if they can manage to stay on the platform while their opponents fall off. The secondary mechanic of CobraBall is the projectile firing, as this is the mechanism by which they can force their opponents off of their own platforms.


In CobraBall, you play a humanoid robot built by Globo-gym to avenge their loss to the Average Joe's. Dumped into a testing Arena, you must fight for your robotic life. Win and you'll be deemed worthy of the next team Cobra. Lose, and you'll be turned into scrap metal.

Look and feel

The default character textures of the players opponents give the game a futuristic impression, as if they were in the world of iRobot. The projectile texture (that of a red dodgeball) is reminiscent of the rubber dodgeballs used in gym classes since the 1960's.