ReleaseNotes - kszbcss/rhq-websphere-plugin GitHub Wiki
RHQ WebSphere Plug-in 1.1.0 (not yet released)
This release has been extensively tested with RHQ 4.5.1, but should also work with RHQ 4.4. Older RHQ versions are no longer supported.
- Fixed issue #16: the plug-in now correctly supports applications that have modules mapped to different targets.
- Fixed issue #18: auto-uninventory of resources that no longer exist in the WebSphere configuration is now reliable.
RHQ WebSphere Plug-in 1.0.1
Version 1.0.1 implements compatibility with RHQ 4.5 and fixes a couple of minor issues.
- Fixed issue #14.
- The agent now configures the IBM ORB to prevent it from creating
log files.
Important: Because of an incompatible change in the RHQ API, the server-side part of the RHQ WebSphere plug-in shipped in this release doesn't work with RHQ 4.x (see issue #17). It is only supported on RHQ 3.x.
Please consult the KnownIssues page for more information about known issues in this release.
RHQ WebSphere Plug-in 1.0.0
This is the first generally available release of the RHQ WebSphere plug-in. It has been extensively tested with RHQ 3.0.0, WebSphere 6.1 and WebSphere 7.0. It is expected to work also with RHQ 4.x, WebSphere 8.0 and WebSphere 8.5. Earlier versions of RHQ and WebSphere are not supported.
Important: This release is not compatible with RHQ 4.5 and above. Before upgrading an existing RHQ installation to RHQ 4.5.x, you must upgrade the plug-in to version 1.0.1.
Please consult the KnownIssues page for more information about known issues in this release.