Use Spirit Dices - ksx0330/FVTT-Kamigakari-System GitHub Wiki
Use Spirit Dices
There are many ways to manipulate spirit in this system.
Through the character sheet
If you check the character sheet, there will be parts like the image. Use this part to manipulate the spirit dice. click the dice you want to manipulate.
When left-clicked, the following Dialog pops up to change the spirit:
When right-clicked, the following Dialog pops up and uses spirit:
Click on "Spirit Dice" at the top to recharge the used force. The value of the used dice is automatically filled.
Through Spirit Dialog
Spirit Dialog is a function that allows multiple actors to manipulate Spirit Dice at once. This feature can only be operated by characters whose Default permission is the owner.
Click on the button with a red rectangle on the image to display Dialog where you can select the actor.
When selected, press Ctrl to select multiple actors. You can also press Shift and click to select a continuous actor at the same time.
The operation of each die is the same as the character sheet. However, Spirit Dice cannot be charged here.
Through Influence
Influence is the manipulation between the dice log and the actor in the chat window. After selecting the actor in the canvas, press the button on the image to release the dice dialog.
If no actor is selected, Dice Dialog will not come out.
Action Dice is the dice from the roll. You can exchange the dice with Spirit Dice one on one. Select one Action Dice, one Spirit Dice, and press the Change button.
After replacing all dies, press the Apply button to confirm the result.