Tutorials - ksu-auv-team/training GitHub Wiki

This is a list of external tutorials you might find useful. They are by no means the only ones or even necessarily the best ones out there; Google and trying things out are always your best resources.

Terminal commands

All of these apply to the Unix terminal, but Windows command prompt is similar in principle with some different commands. Learn Unix; it's better.

Tutorial: Terminal

Basic introduction to the terminal, using only the minimum commands you need. Written for Mac, but applies to all Unix-based OSes.


Interactive command line tutorial

Learn Enough Command Line to be Dangerous

Very in-depth introduction to the command line, assuming no prior knowledge. Probably overkill for most people - you can start by learning a little bit and pick the rest up as you go along instead.


Github tutorial

Tutorial created by Github that covers the basics of Git and Github use

Git cheat sheet

Cheat sheet listing most frequently used Git commands

Git documentation

The official documentation for Git, which lists the details of all commands



Codecademy offers free interactive Python tutorials in Python 2.7, starting at the basic level. If you're new to programming, this is probably the one you want to start with.

Learn Python the Hard Way

Learn Python the Hard Way is an ebook about Python that comes highly recommended. The free version only covers Python 3, but most of it is still applicable to Python 2.7.


Has lots of practice problems for Python. It checks your work and shows you their solutions.


A little bit more challenging than CodingBats, but a great resource. A high code wars score also looks good on resumes.


ROS tutorials

The ROS wiki's intro to ROS. Focus on the basics and creating publishers and subscribers.

Neural Networks

3Blue1Brown Neural Networks

YouTube videos explaining the basic principles of how neural networks work.

Stanford CS231n notes

A class notes page for a class on convolutional neural networks

Tensorflow Playground

An online demo of a basic neural network. It's built in TensorFlow, another neural network library, but the concepts are applicable to everything.

Caffe Tutorial

The official tutorial for Caffe, the neural network library we use.