Overview - kstrack-grose/Git-Project GitHub Wiki

Here is where each group will put the date, and a one-sentence summary of meeting/work so far. Update as frequently as you'd like, as long as each update is concise.

5/4, Storage: We're getting close to soft-coding current working directory and making time stamps. 5/6, Metadata: I'm having a ton of trouble using the datetime module. Can someone help? --Kiri 5/11, Mod_Python: I got the damn thing working. Now we can actually do stuff. I was thinking that we may not need an API group because we can do everything with python via the apache2 server. --Jeffrey

5/13 Design team has rough sketches of what website pages will look like. Logo and icon have been made.

5/13, Storage: managed to copy user-input data into a new directory. working on doing that conditionally with a program that checks changes to directory. We'll begin softcoding and debugging once this works. Close to working.

5/14 design team meeting in catlab at 7: working on figuring WSGI out, and downloading DJANGO to figure this out as well. DJANGO wiki page was created and WSGI wiki page was updated. mod_wsgi is proving to be a righteous pain in the ass and we can't get past the first step on this tutorial.

5/18 WSGI can now open a text file to the web....but not much else. And that step was mostly the result of [this lovely website] (http://code.google.com/p/modwsgi/wiki/FileWrapperExtension) which I will return to presently.

5/18: || Storage Update || The storage program is [almost] working the way we want now. Among other neat things, it can now compare the last updated version of folders in a repo with the user-given data and then only creates a new directory if changes have been made. It now has a time-stamp embedded in it, which orders folders based on the last time they were updated, and the most recent updated version is the one used in comparing with data from the user. The program is also starting to look nice n' clean, with logical ordering and naming, but we encountered a little bump towards the end, which will be sorted out tomorrow morning. Check the files pushed by Roi for further details. -- CHERNOH