How to build the library using eclipse cdt - kspviswa/aaaEngine GitHub Wiki

  1. Clone the project git clone aaaEngineLib
  2. Create a new directory and provide a legitimate name, say mkdir aaaEngineEclipse
  3. Launch eclipse and create a C++ Project using File->New->C++ Project and create a project without any source.
  4. Choose the workspace of the project as aaaEngineEclipse the folder that we just created.
  5. Select Project Type -> Shared Library -> Empty Project
  6. Link the cloned src into this project by Right Click Project->Properties->C++ General->Paths & Symbols.
  7. Under Source Location tab, click Link Folder -> FileSystem and navigate to clone directory aaaEngineLib
  8. From then on, the source will be available in aaaEngineLib directory and your Makefile(s) and built target will be available under Debug or Release folder.
  9. Make sure you set the appropriate fPIC for both C++ Compiler & Linker settings.
  10. Also define HAVE_CONFIG_H in the preprocessor only then the config.h file will be included in your Makefile