Design Overview - kspviswa/TestSensePP GitHub Wiki


The TestSense++ ( TestSensePP is symbolized as TestSense++, just like CPP with C++) is a scripted Radius Test tool. The scripting behaviour of this tool, make this tool unique with existing radius test tools. Tools like RadiusTest, radclient, JRadius etc are available as standalone binary, that takes in set of inputs in XML / ASCII based file and spawn required number of threads to achieve the same. The XML files acts as both test inputs & test cases.

However they lack one important thing in common. They lack "the testing sense". All the above mentioned tools act like a entity who performs the job as per given inputs. They don't understand the difference between test case pass & test case failure. Also they perform like a robot with given input which is constant at a given instant of time.

What if you want to get the number of accept response, provided by the server and you will have to start another authentication sequence, if the accept > 10,000.

What if you want to send authentication request to Server 1, which is proxied to Server 2 and send another authentication request to Server 2, and you expect the Server 2 to return reject due to session already existed in Server 2 (via proxy). Though the expectation for Server 2 is to return reject, it is a success-scenario for a given test case.

Standard tools are unable to "think" in that fashion. That's why I'm hereby introducing "TestSense++ - Testing with sense"