Adeptus Mechanicus Homebrew Codex - ksnyder1986/Warhammer-40k-3rd-Edition GitHub Wiki

Adeptus Mechanicus

3rd Edition Homebrew Codex


The Mechanicum are an ancient organization founded on Mars that rose to domination during the Age of Strife. This organization is rooted in the theology that a divine being named the Omnissiah was present in all advanced technology and machinery. During the civil wars the faction transformed Mars into a forge world dedicated to the construction of machinery and researching new technologies. They branched out throughout the galaxy to found additional forge worlds through gaps in the warp storms surrounding the Sol system.

After the Emperor of Mankind united Terra the tech-priests of Mars negotiated a treaty that cemented Mars as a partner with the new Imperium of Man, rather than a subject. In exchange the Mechnicum equipped the armies that conquered the galaxy during the Great Crusade. Mar’s titan legions marched with these armies and the cult of the machine spread throughout the galaxy as well. Unfortunately the Mechanicum was also split into two during the Horus Heresy and the loyalists were integrated into the Imperial bureaucracy as the Adeptus Mechanicus.

At the turn of the 41st millennium that Adeptus Mechanicus remains a semi-independent and secretive branch of the Imperium of Mankind. They continue to worship the Omnissiah rather than the Imperial Cult, but act as the industrial backbone of the Imperium.

Author Notes: The goal of writing this codex is to provide a realistic army list that fits into the 3rd Edition point schemes. The Mechanicus in later editions are given unique weaponry and vehicles that ensure it is nearly impossible to do a conversion from those editions to 3rd. To simplify the conversion this homebrew follows the maxim of “keep it simple stupid” by using the 2003 Imperial Guard codex as a foundation. By utilizing the regimental doctrines of Cyber-Enhancement, Carapace Armour, Sharpshooters and Chem-Inhalers you have what is closest to cybernetic warriors for your ordinary troops. Then if you utilize the Vehicle Design Rules and take units from other codexes you can make a strong codex that covers the units from the 7th Edition codex.


Tech-Priest Dominus

Model WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Pts
Tech-Priest Dominus 4 4 3 3 2 3 2 8 3+ 60

Unit Size: 1 Tech-Priest Enginseer

Wargear: Laspistol, Power Weapon, and Servo-Arm. The Enginseer may purchase additional weapons from the Adeptus Mechanicus Armoury and up to 100 points of wargear.

Retinue Option: The Enginseer may be accompanied by up to 6 Servitors. The Enginseer and the Servitors will be counted as a unit and while the Servitors are alive the Enginseer may not join other units. See the Servitor Retinue entry below for details.

Special Rules

Blessing of the Machine-God: If the Enginseer starts the turn in contact with a damaged vehicle he may attempt to make a repair. If the vehicle is Immoblisied or has a Weapon Destroyed, one of these is repaired on a roll of 6+. The Tech-priest gains +1 on this roll for each Technical Servitor he has with him.

Notes: This unit is based on the same entry that is in the Imperial Guard codex. A 15 point increased based on 1 W and 1A matches what is observed in the Command Squad entry in the Imperial Guard codex.

Tech-Priest Enginseer

Model WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Pts
Tech-Priest Enginseer 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 8 3+ 45

Unit Size: 1 Tech-Priest Enginseer

Wargear: Laspistol, Power Weapon, and Servo-Arm. The Enginseer may purchase additional weapons from the Adeptus Mechanicus Armoury and up to 100 points of wargear.

Retinue Option: The Enginseer may be accompanied by up to 3 Servitors. The Enginseer and the Servitors will be counted as a unit and while the Servitors are alive the Enginseer may not join other units. See the Servitor Retinue entry below for details.

Special Rules

Blessing of the Machine-God: If the Enginseer starts the turn in contact with a damaged vehicle he may attempt to make a repair. If the vehicle is Immoblisied or has a Weapon Destroyed, one of these is repaired on a roll of 6+. The Tech-priest gains +1 on this roll for each Technical Servitor he has with him.

Notes: This unit is based on the same entry that is in the Imperial Guard codex.

Servitor Retinue

The Servitors may only be taken as part of a Tech-Priest’s retinue.

Model WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Pts
Combat Servitor 4 3 3 3 1 3 1 8 4+ 25

Unit Size: 1 Servitor

Wargear: Powerfist and Close Combat Weapon

Model WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Pts
Technical Servitor 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 8 5+ 10

Unit Size: 1 Servitor

Wargear: Each Gun Servitor must be equipped with one of the following weapons at the cost indicated: multi-melta at +25 pts; heavy bolter at +15 points; plasma cannon at +35 points.

Model WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Pts
Gun Servitor 3 4 3 3 1 3 1 8 4+ 10

Unit Size: 1 Servitor

Wargear: None



Model WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Pts
Electro-Priest 4 3 6 4 3 3 2 8 4+ 29

Unit Size: 3 to 10 Electro-Priests.

Wargear: Electro-Priests are equipped with a close combat weapon and frag grenades.

Transport Option: If the unit contains 6 or fewer models they may be mounted in a Skorpius Dunerider for +105 points.

Special Rules

Cyber-Enhanced: Electro-Priests have a 6+ invulnerable save.

Chem-Inhaler: Electro-Priests always test Morale, Leadership or Pinning tests with no negative modifiers. If they fail a Morale check due to taking 25% casualties during the shooting phase, they will be pinned rather than Fall Back.

Bulky: Electro-Priests each takes up two spaces in a transport vehicle.

Unruly: Electro-Priests are difficult to corral into transport vehicles and therefore can only embark if there is a tech-priest within 12” of the unit. They may start mounted in a transport vehicle at the start of the battle.

Notes: The Electro-Priests are based on the Ogryn unit with the Cyber-Enhanced, Chem-Inhalers and Carapace Armour rules. Typically Ogryn cannot have the Cyber-Enhanced or Carapace Armour rules, but allowing them to be equipped with it keeps the unit inline with other units in this army.

Kastelan Maniple

Model WS BS S Front Side Rear I A Pts
Kastelan Robot 3 3 4 12 11 10 3 1 65

Unit Size: 2 to 6 Kastelan Robots.

Weapon Options: Each Kastelan Robot must be equipped with a carapace mounted Inferno Cannon +30 points or Multi-melta +30 points.

For arm weapons each Kastelan Robot must be equipped with either two Power Fist +45 points, or two Heavy Flamers +30 points, or one Power Fist and one Heavy Flamer +45 points. Each Power Fist adds +1 Attack to the Kastelan Robot’s profile, and if at least one Power Fist is taken the Robot’s Strength is changed to 4(8).

Notes: The Kastelan Robot is built using the Vehicle Design Rules.


Model WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Pts
Pteraxii Alpha 3 4 3 3 1 3 2 8 4+ 20
Pteraxii 3 4 3 3 1 3 1 8 4+ 14

Unit Size: 5 to 10 Pteraxii. One Pteraxii can be upgraded to a Pteraxii Alpha for +6 points.

Wargear: Pteraxii are armed with Hellguns. The Pteraxii Alpha is armed with a Close Combat Weapon and a Hellpistol. All Pteraxii are equipped with Carapace Armour, Frag Grenades and Krak Grenades.

Weapon Options: The Pteraxii Alpha may purchase weapons from the Adeptus Mechanicus Armoury and up to 50 points of wargear.

For +4 per model the unit can be equipped with Meltabombs.

Transport Option: If the unit contains 12 or fewer models they may be mounted in a Skorpius Dunerider for +105 points.

Special Rules

Cyber-Enhanced: Pteraxii have a 6+ invulnerable save.

Chem-Inhaler: Pteraxii always test Morale, Leadership or Pinning tests with no negative modifiers. If they fail a Morale check due to taking 25% casualties during the shooting phase, they will be pinned rather than Fall Back.

Deep Strike: Unless a Skorpius Dunerider has been purchased for the unit, the Pteraxii may Deep Strike if the mission permits.

Notes: The Pteraxii unit is based on a stormtrooper squad from the 3.5 Imperial Guard codex with the doctrines of Chem-Inhaler and Cyber-Enhancement added. Based on that unit the base cost for a Pteraxii is 14 points. All other costs are based on the normal costs from the stormtrooper squad.



Model WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Pts
Skitarii Alpha 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 8 4+ 18
Skitarii 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 4+ 12

Unit Size: 5 to 20 Skitarii. One Skitarii can be upgraded to a Skitarii Alpha for +6 points.

Wargear: Skitarii are armed with Lasguns. The Skitarii Alpha is armed with a Close Combat Weapon and a Laspistol. All Skitarii are equipped with Carapace Armour.

Weapon Options: The Skitarii Alpha may purchase weapons from the Adeptus Mechanicus Armoury and up to 50 points of wargear.

The entire squad may replace their Lasguns with Shotguns at no cost. For +1 per model the unit can be equipped with Frag Grenades. One model may replace their Lasgun with one of the following special weapons: Arc Rifle (Meltagun) +10 points, Plasma Gun +10 points or Sniper Rifle +5 points. If the Skitarii unit contains 15 or more models a second model may replace their Lasgun with a special weapon.

Transport Option: If the unit contains 12 or fewer models they may be mounted in a Skorpius Dunerider for +105 points.

Special Rules

Cyber-Enhanced: Skitarii have a 6+ invulnerable save.

Chem-Inhaler: Skitarii always test Morale, Leadership or Pinning tests with no negative modifiers. If they fail a Morale check due to taking 25% casualties during the shooting phase, they will be pinned rather than Fall Back.

Sharpshooters: Any Skitarii may re-roll to-hit rolls of 1. This may not be used on Plasma weapons or Sniper Rifles.

Notes: The Skitarii unit is based on a guardsman squad from the 3.5 Imperial Guard codex with the doctrines of Carapace Armour, Chem-Inhaler, Cyber-Enhancement and Sharpshooters added. Based on that unit the base cost for a Skitarii is 12 points. All other costs are based on the normal costs from the guardsman squad.


Model WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Pts
Sicarian Alpha 4 4 3 3 1 3 2 8 4+ 21
Sicarian 4 4 3 3 1 3 1 8 4+ 16

Unit Size: 5 to 10 Sicarian. One Sicarian can be upgraded to a Sicarian Alpha for +5 points.

Wargear: Sicarian are armed with a Laspistol and Close Combat Weapon. The Sicarian Alpha is armed with a Close Combat Weapon and a Laspistol. All Sicarian are equipped with Carapace Armour.

Weapon Options: The Sicarian Alpha may purchase weapons from the Adeptus Mechanicus Armoury and up to 50 points of wargear.

For +1 per model the unit can be equipped with Frag Grenades. For +2 per model the unit can be equipped with Krak Grenades.

Special Rules

Infiltrate: The Sicarian may infiltrate if the mission permits.

Chameleon: Sicarian units adds 1 to any Cover Save they are already allowed. They do not gain a Cover Save in open terrain or other terrain that does not normally grant a Cover Save.

Cyber-Enhanced: Sicarian have a 6+ invulnerable save.

Chem-Inhaler: Sicarian always test Morale, Leadership or Pinning tests with no negative modifiers. If they fail a Morale check due to taking 25% casualties during the shooting phase, they will be pinned rather than Fall Back.

Notes: The Sicarian unit is based on a hardened veteran squad from the 3.5 Imperial Guard codex with the doctrines of Carapace Armour, Chem-Inhaler, Cyber-Enhancement, Chameleon and Hardened Fighters added. Based on that unit the base cost for a Sicarian is 16 points. All other costs are based on the normal costs from the veteran squad.

Dedicated Transport

Skorpius Dunerider

Model BS Front Side Rear Pts
Skorpius Dunerider 3 12 10 10 105

Unit Size: 1 Skorpius Dunerider

Wargear: The Skorpius Dunerider has one hull-mounted heavy stubbers on each side of the vehicle and 2 pintle mounted heavy stubbers.

Transport: The Skorpius Dunerider can carry up to 12 models.

Special Rules


Notes: The Skorpius Dunerider is built using the Vehicle Design Rules.


Ironstrider Squadron

Model WS BS S Front Side Rear I A Pts
Ironstrider 3 3 5 10 10 10 3 1 48

Unit Size: 1 to 3 Ironstriders

Weapons: The Ironstrider must be equipped with one of the following weapons: Power Lance +24 points, Sniper Rifle +10 points, Twin-Linked Autocannon for +35 points, or Twin-Linked Lascannon for +35 points. If the Power Lance is chosen increase the Attacks characteristics of the Ironstrider to 3.

Special Rules


Agile: Ironstriders can move up to 12” and fire one weapon, but may not move more than 12”.

Walker: See Vehicle chapter in the Main Rule Book for details.

Notes: The Ironstrider is built using the Vehicle Design Rules.

Serbery Squadron

Model WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Pts
Serbery Alpha 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 8 4+ 19
Servery 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 4+ 13

Unit Size: 5 to 10 Serbery. One Serbery can be upgraded to a Serbery Alpha for +6 points.

Wargear: Serbery are armed with a Lasgun. The Serbery Alpha is armed with a Close Combat Weapon and a Laspistol. All Serbery are equipped with Carapace Armour.

Weapon Options: The Serbery Alpha may purchase weapons from the Adeptus Mechanicus Armoury and up to 50 points of wargear.

Any number of models may choose to replace their Lasgun with Duel Wielded Laspistols at no cost. Duel Wielded Laspistols count as a Twin-Linked Laspistol during shooting that counts as two close combat weapons in melee. Up to two models may be armed with a plasma gun at +10 points per model.

For +2 per model the unit can be equipped with Krak Grenades. For +4 per model the unit can be equipped with Meltabombs.

Special Rules


Cyber-Enhanced: Serbery have a 6+ invulnerable save.

Chem-Inhaler: Serbery always test Morale, Leadership or Pinning tests with no negative modifiers. If they fail a Morale check due to taking 25% casualties during the shooting phase, they will be pinned rather than Fall Back.

Fleet of Hoof:

Sharpshooters: Any Serbery may re-roll to-hit rolls of 1. This may not be used on Plasma weapons or Sniper Rifles.

Notes: The Serbery unit is based on a rough rider squad from the 3.5 Imperial Guard codex with the doctrines of Carapace Armour, Chem-Inhaler, Cyber-Enhancement, and Sharpshooters added. Based on that unit the base cost for a Serbery is 13 points. All other costs are based on the normal costs from the rough rider squad.

Heavy Support


Model BS Front Side Rear Pts
Archaeopter 3 11 11 10 145

Unit Size: 1 Archaeopter

Options: The Archaeopter must choose one of three variants and must be equipped exactly as that variant is described below.

Fusilave Variant (+78 points): The Fusilave Archaeopter is equipped with 2 nose-mounted heavy stubbers and one fuselage-mounted heavy stubber on each side of the vehicle. Additionally, it is equipped with 6 bombs.

Stratoraptor Variant (+92 points): The Stratoraptor Archaeopter is equipped with a nose-mounted inferno cannon, one fuselage-mounted heavy stubber on each side of the vehicle, and a single turret-mounted twin-linked lascannon on the bottom of the vehicle.

Transvector Variant (+54 points): The Transvector Archaeopter is equipped with 2 nose-mounted heavy stubbers and a single turret-mounted twin-linked heavy stubber on the bottom of the vehicle.

Transport: The Archaeopter cannot any models, unless the Transvector variant is chosen. The Transvector variant can transport up to 12 models.

Special Rules

Flyer: Refer to page 70 of the Imperial Armour Supplement for details.

Skimmer: Refer to page Vehicles chapter of the Main Rule Book for details.

VTOL Hover Mode: Rather than leave the table as per normal, the flyer may choose to engage its VTOL Hover mode to remain on the table. It remains stationary but can turn in any direction to bring its weapons to bear. It may fire all its weapons.

For the purposes of being fired at, the vehicle counts as a moving Skimmer. It can therefore be fired at using the firer's normal BS. All hits are treated as glancing hits. It can only be attacked in close combat by attackers that can fly or have jump packs, in which case it is treated as a moving vehicle.

If the vehicle is immobilized the model is destroyed.

At the end of its own turn, the vehicle may disengage VTOL. It now reverts to being a flyer. It cannot return during the enemy’s turn immediately after it leaves the table.

Aerial Lander: Instead of firing its weapons, the Transcector Archaeopter may choose to land of the table. While it is landed it cannot move but may shoot like a normal vehicle. Any passengers may disembark and new passengers may embark into the flyer using the normal rules. If the flyer is fired upon while landed then the enemy roll to hit normally; the Archaeopter does not utilize the skimmer or flyer rules for being fired at.

The landed flyer may take off again on a later friendly movement phase engaging the VTOL Hover Mode. Alternatively it may take off during the enemy turn after the Shooting phase has ended. The flyer takes off immediately and leave the table in the same manner as if it were completing an attack run.

Notes: The Archaeopter is built using the Vehicle Design Rules.

Kataphron Platoon

A Karaphron Platoon consists of 1 to 3 Kataphron Squads that counts as single Heavy Support choice on the Force Organization chart when deploying and is rolled for collectively when rolling for reserves. Otherwise theu function as independent units.

Kataphron Squad

Model WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Pts
Kataphron 3 3 3 3 2 3 1 7 4+ 45

Unit Size: 3 Kataphron

Wargear: Each Kataphron is equipped with a heavy stubber.

Weapon Options: Each Kataphron must choose to be equipped with one of the following weapons; Heavy Arc Rifle (Autocannon) +20 points, Heavy Grav-Cannon (Heavy Bolter) +15 points, Torsion Cannon (Lascannon) +25 points, or Plasma Culverin (Plasma Cannon) +35 points.

Special Rules

Bulky: Kataphrons each takes up two spaces in a transport vehicle.

Immune to Instant Death: Kataphron cannot be killed due to the Instant Death rule.

Cyber-Enhanced: Kataphron have a 6+ invulnerable save.

Chem-Inhaler: Kataphron always test Morale, Leadership or Pinning tests with no negative modifiers. If they fail a Morale check due to taking 25% casualties during the shooting phase, they will be pinned rather than Fall Back.

Sharpshooters: Any Kataphron may re-roll to-hit rolls of 1. This may not be used on Plasma weapons or Sniper Rifles.

Notes: Kataphrons utilize the Heavy Weapon platoon from the Imperial Guard Codex where instead of two models the Kataphron is represented by a single model with 2 wounds. The immune to instant death rule ensures that the Kataphron must die to two attacks, just like a two man heavy weapon team would. The doctrine improvements continue to apply to the Kataphron and unlike the Imperial Guard unit the Kataphrons have the option to use a Plasma Cannon.

Onager Dunecrawler

Model WS BS S Front Side Rear I A Pts
Onager Dunecrawler 3 3 5 13 12 10 3 1 83

Unit Size: 1 Onager Dunecrawler

Weapon Options: The Onager Dunecrawler must be equipped with one main weapon from the following list at the indicated cost: Battle Cannon at 50 points; Daedalus Missile Launcher (Earthshaker) at +60 points; Neutron Laster (Demolisher Cannon) and Heavy Stubber at +62 points; Missile Launcher and Twin-Linked Autocannon at +75 points; or Twin-Linked Phosphor Blaster (Inferno Cannon) at +45 points.

Skorpius Disintegrator

Model BS Front Side Rear Pts
Skorpius Disintegrator 3 12 10 10 136

Unit Size: 1 Skorpius Disintegrator

Weapons: The Skorprius Disintegrator is armed with two sponson heavy stubbers, one co-axial heavy stubber, and a hull mounted missile launcher.

Weapon Options: The Skorprius Disintegrator must be equipped with one main weapon from the following list at the indicated cost: Ferrumite Cannon (Battle Cannon) at +50 points; or Energy Cannon (Griffon Mortar) at +40 points.

Adeptus Mechanicus Armoury

Wargear Points
Artificer Armour 20 points
Auspex 2 points
Bionics 5 points
Digital Weapons 10 points
Frag Grenades 1 point
Holy Relic 30 points
Krak Grenades 2 points
Master-crafted Weapon 15 points
Melta Bombs 5 points
Omnissiah’s Grace (Medallion Crimson) 15 points
Refractor Field 15 points
Scryerskull (Macharian Cross) 20 points
Signum 15 points
Surveyor 2 points
Trademark Item 10 points
One-Handed Weapons Points
Close Combat Weapon 1 point
Laspistol 1 Point
Plasma Pistol 10 points
Power Fist 20 points
Power Weapon 5 points
Two-Handed Weapons Points
Lasgun 1 point
Meltagun 10 points
Plasma Gun 10 points
Shotgun 1 point
Sniper Rifle 5 points
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️