Adeptus Custodes Homebrew Codex - ksnyder1986/Warhammer-40k-3rd-Edition GitHub Wiki

Adeptus Custodes

3rd Edition Homebrew Codex


The Legio Custodes and the Anathema Psykana are ancient military orders that predate the Great Crusade. They served closely with The Emperor of Mankind during the Great Crusade and the Horus Heresy, but after the Emperor was confined to the Golden Throne the two orders faded from public view. They both hold the distinction of being the only humans permitted to walk the inner sanctum of the Imperial Palace.

The Legio Custodes, also know as the Adeptus Custodes or Custodians, are an elite guard who oversee the safety of the Imperial Palace and the Golden Throne. Their origins and history have been partially lost to the ages, but it is suspected that they were created during the Unification Wars during M29 as the Emperor’s first experiment with genetically-engineered super soldiers. What is known is that they served as the Emperor’s personal guard during the Great Crusade and played a role in the defense of the Imperial Palace during the Horus Heresy. Since the Heresy they have stood vigil over the Golden Throne and the Immortal Emperor of Mankind.

The Anathema Psykana, also known as the Sisters of Silence, are an all-female military order where all members are what are known as Psychic Nulls. To be a Null is to be void of a presence in the Warp, and therefore being immune to daemonic corruption and direct psychic effects. This trait is what made them the perfect weapon for hunting down rogue psykers. Unfortunately after the end of the Horus Heresy the Sisters of Silence found themselves without a purpose and have mostly disbanded, but they appear in force periodically to strike down psychic and daemonic enemies of the Emperor.

Author Notes: The goal of writing this codex is to provide a realistic army list that fits into the 3rd Edition point schemes. This is performed by using comparable units from other codices. For this list, the obvious other codices to utilize are the Daemon Hunters, Witch Hunters, and Space Marines. Notes will be included within each entry to explain where the unit is derived.

Army Special Rules

Allarus Terminator Armour: The Allarus Terminator Armour is an expertly crafted version of Tactical Dreadnought Armour worn exclusively by the Allarus Custodians. The armour provides a 2+ armour save and a 5+ invulnerable save. In addition, the armour is always equipped with a wrist mounted grenade launcher. This grenade launcher does not prevent the model with the armour from being equipped with a two-handed weapon.

Null Maidens: Sisters of Silence are psychic nulls and their presence dampens any psychic powers occurring near them. Enemy psykers within 24” who attempt to use any psychic powers that would affect the Sister of Silence or any unit they have joined take their Psychic test at -1 to their Leadership. The effects are not cumulative.


0 - 1 Captain General

Model WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Pts
Captain General 5 5 4 4 3 5 4 10 2+ 140

Unit Size: 1 Captain General.

Wargear: Allarus Terminator Armour and Castellan Axe.

Weapon Options: The Captain General may purchase weapons from the Adeptus Custodes armoury and up to 100 points of wargear.

Special Rules

Fearless: Custodians are the last line of defense between the enemies of Mankind and the Immortal God Emperor; to flee would be to surrender all of Mankind to the horrors of the galaxy. Therefore, Custodians are Fearless and assumed to pass all Morale Checks, even if failure is normally automatic. They also cannot be Pinned.

Notes: This unit is based on the 9th Edition unit of the same name. This is the strongest HQ choice in the army and therefore the stat-line of the Grand Master from the Grey Knights was a perfect fit. The Castellan Axe is given the same stats as a power fist which is equivalent to a nemesis force weapon, but 5 points is removed because the storm bolter is not on the Captain General.

0 - 1 Blade Champion

Model WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Pts
Blade Champion 5 4 4 4 2 5 2 9 2+ 59

Unit Size: 1 Blade Champion

Wargear: Artificer Armour and The Vault Sword

Weapon Options: The Shield-Captain may purchase weapons from the Adeptus Custodes armoury and up to 100 points of wargear.

Special Rules

Fearless: Custodians are the last line of defense between the enemies of Mankind and the Immortal God Emperor; to flee would be to surrender all of Mankind to the horrors of the galaxy. Therefore, Custodians are Fearless and assumed to pass all Morale Checks, even if failure is normally automatic. They also cannot be Pinned.

The Vault Sword: The Vault Sword is an archeotech power sword that is wielded by the elite Blade Champions. This ancient weapon is versatile such that is can be used two-handed as easily as it can be used one-handed. At the start of each melee phase, the model using The Vault Sword chooses to use the sword one-handed or two-handed. If used one-handed the sword is treated as a power sword with +1 Strength. If used two-handed the weapon is treated as a power fist, doubling the Strength of the wielder but Always Strikes Last.

Notes: This unit is based on the 9th Edition unit of the same name. For a stat-line The Emperor’s Champion was used at the starting point, normally a 105 point model. If you remove the purity seals (5), iron halo (25) and master-crafted bolt pistol (16) you are left with 59 points.


Model WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Pts
Shield-Captain 5 4 4 4 1 4 2 9 3+ 35

Unit Size: 1 Shield-Captain

Wargear: Power Armour.

Weapon Options: The Shield-Captain may purchase weapons from the Adeptus Custodes armoury and up to 100 points of wargear.

Special Rules

Fearless: Custodians are the last line of defense between the enemies of Mankind and the Immortal God Emperor; to flee would be to surrender all of Mankind to the horrors of the galaxy. Therefore, Custodians are Fearless and assumed to pass all Morale Checks, even if failure is normally automatic. They also cannot be Pinned.

Notes: This unit is a Grey Knight Justiciar that has no weapons. Reducing the points from 50 to 35 seems fair for a model that needs to buy its own weapons.


Model WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Pts
Knight-Centura 5 4 3 3 3 4 3 10 3+ 70

Unit Size: 1 Knight-Centura

Wargear: Power Amour.

Weapon Options: The Knight-Centura may purchase weapons from the Adeptus Custodes armoury and up to 100 points of wargear.

Special Rules

Null Maidens: Sisters of Silence are psychic nulls, and their presence dampens any psychic powers occurring near them. Enemy psykers within 24” who attempt to use any psychic powers that would affect the Sister of Silence or any unit they have joined take their Psychic test at -1 to their Leadership. The effects are not cumulative.

Soulless: The Knight-Centura’s null presence is extraordinarily strong, and their presence disrupts the warp connection of psykers. After an opponent has successfully made a Psychic test, but before they have used the power you may attempt to nullify the power. Both players roll a D6 and add their model’s Leadership value to the score. If the Knight-Centura beats the opposing model’s score, then the psychic power is nullified and may not be used that turn. If the opposing model’s score is equal or higher, it may use its psychic power as normal. The Knight-Centura may attempt to nullify a power each time an enemy model uses a psychic power.

Notes: The Knight-Centura uses the Canoness stat-line from the Witch Hunters codex. The Null Maidens rule is the same as the 5 point item Hexagrammic Wards. The Soulless rule is the same as a 20 point Psychic Hood.


Custodian Guard Squad

Model WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Pts
Shield-Captain 5 4 4 4 1 4 2 9 3+ 60
Vexilus Praetor 5 4 4 4 1 4 1 8 3+ 55
Custodian 5 4 4 4 1 4 1 8 3+ 35

Unit Size: A Custodian Guard squad has 1 Shield-Captain and 4-9 Custodians. A single Vexilus Praetor may be added to the unit.

Wargear: Power Armour. If included, the Vexilus Praetor carries a Sacred Standard.

Weapon Options: The entire squad may choose to be equipped with Guardian Spears or a Power Weapon and Storm Shield.

The Shield-Captain may purchase weapons from the Adeptus Custodes armoury and up to 50 points of wargear.

The Vexilus Praetor may purchase weapons from the Adeptus Custodes armoury and up to 50 points of wargear.

Special Rules

Fearless: Custodians are the last line of defense between the enemies of Mankind and the Immortal God Emperor; to flee would be to surrender all of Mankind to the horrors of the galaxy. Therefore, Custodians are Fearless and assumed to pass all Morale Checks, even if failure is normally automatic. They also cannot be Pinned.

Notes: This unit is based on the 7th Edition unit of the same name but toned down a little so that Grey Knight stat-line could be utilized. Normally Grey Knights are 25 points, but the Guardian Spear is considered a power weapon for the Guardians, which is not true for the Grey Knight’s Nemesis Force Weapon. An additional 10 points seems fair when considering the ability to swap out for a power weapon and storm shield.

Prosecutor Squad

Model WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Pts
Sister Superior 4 4 3 3 1 4 2 9 3+ 30
Sister of Silence 4 4 3 3 1 4 1 8 3+ 16

Unit Size: 1 Sister Superior and 4 to 9 Sisters of Silence.

Wargear: Power Amour and Boltguns

Weapon Options: The Sister Superior may purchase weapons from the Adeptus Custodes armoury and up to 50 points of wargear.

Special Rules

Null Maidens: Sisters of Silence are psychic nulls, and their presence dampens any psychic powers occurring near them. Enemy psykers within 24” who attempt to use any psychic powers that would affect the Sister of Silence or any unit they have joined take their Psychic test at -1 to their Leadership. The effects are not cumulative.

Notes: The Prosecutors use the Battle Sisters Squad’s stat-line from the Witch Hunters codex. The Null Maidens rule is the same as the 5 point item Hexagrammic Wards added to each model.


Allarus Custodians

Model WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Pts
Shield-Captain 5 4 4 4 1 4 3 10 2+ 71
Vexilus Praetor 5 4 4 4 1 4 2 10 2+ 76
Allarus Custodian 5 4 4 4 1 4 2 10 2+ 56

Unit Size: An Allarus Custodians squad has 1 Shield-Captain and 2-4 Allarus Custodians. A single Vexilus Praetor may be added to the unit.

Wargear: Allarus Terminator Armour and Grenade Launcher. If included, the Vexilus Praetor carries a Sacred Standard.

Weapon Options: The entire squad may choose to be equipped with Castellan Axes or Guardian Spears.

The Shield-Captain may purchase weapons from the Adeptus Custodes armoury and up to 50 points of wargear.

The Vexilus Praetor may purchase weapons from the Adeptus Custodes armoury and up to 50 points of wargear.

Special Rules

Fearless: Custodians are the last line of defense between the enemies of Mankind and the Immortal God Emperor; to flee would be to surrender all of Mankind to the horrors of the galaxy. Therefore, Custodians are Fearless and assumed to pass all Morale Checks, even if failure is normally automatic. They also cannot be Pinned.

Notes: This unit is based on the 8th Edition unit of the same name. For a stat-line a Grey Knight Terminator is a good start as one of the most elite units in the game. To give the unit the same type of grenade launcher in place of the storm bolter the normal difference in price for a BS 4 models is 10 points. The Guardian Spear can be given the same stats of a Nemesis Force Weapon to keep the points stead on that option. Given that for a Grey Knight a Power Weapon is 15 points, and the Nemesis Force Weapon is a +2 S Power Weapon, making the Castellan Axe a 25 point Power Fist seemed fair to keep the weapon costs the same. Finally, the Praetor is +20 points due to auto addition of a Sacred Standard.

Custodian Wardens

Model WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Pts
Shield-Captain 5 4 4 4 1 4 2 9 3+ 65
Vexilus Praetor 5 4 4 4 1 4 1 8 3+ 60
Custodian 5 4 4 4 1 4 1 8 3+ 40

Unit Size: A Custodian Wardens squad has 1 Shield-Captain and 4-9 Custodians. A single Vexilus Praetor may be added to the unit.

Wargear: Power Armour. If included, the Vexilus Praetor carries a Sacred Standard.

Weapon Options: The entire squad may choose to be equipped with Guardian Spears or Castellan Axe.

The Shield-Captain may purchase weapons from the Adeptus Custodes armoury and up to 50 points of wargear.

The Vexilus Praetor may purchase weapons from the Adeptus Custodes armoury and up to 50 points of wargear.

Special Rules

Feel No Pain: If the model loses a wound roll a dice. On a 4+ the wound is ignored. This ability cannot be used against weapons whose strength is at least twice the Toughness of the model or against close combat weapons that allow no save.

Fearless: Custodians are the last line of defense between the enemies of Mankind and the Immortal God Emperor; to flee would be to surrender all of Mankind to the horrors of the galaxy. Therefore, Custodians are Fearless and assumed to pass all Morale Checks, even if failure is normally automatic. They also cannot be Pinned.

Notes: This unit is based on the 8th Edition unit of the same name but toned down a little so that Grey Knight stat-line could be utilized. Normally Grey Knights are 25 points, but the Guardian Spear is considered a power weapon for the Guardians, which is not true for the Grey Knight’s Nemesis Force Weapon. An additional 10 points seems fair when considering the ability to swap out for a power fist. The Feel No Pain rule adds 5 additional points.

Vigilator Squad

Model WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Pts
Sister Superior 4 4 3 3 1 4 2 9 3+ 40
Sister of Silence 4 4 3 3 1 4 1 8 3+ 26

Unit Size: 1 Sister Superior and 4 to 9 Sisters of Silence.

Wargear: Power Amour and Power Weapon

Weapon Options: The Sister Superior may purchase weapons from the Adeptus Custodes armoury and up to 50 points of wargear.

Special Rules

Null Maidens: Sisters of Silence are psychic nulls, and their presence dampens any psychic powers occurring near them. Enemy psykers within 24” who attempt to use any psychic powers that would affect the Sister of Silence or any unit they have joined take their Psychic test at -1 to their Leadership. The effects are not cumulative.

Notes: The Prosecutors use the Battle Sisters Squad’s stat-line from the Witch Hunters codex. The Null Maidens rule is the same as the 5 point item Hexagrammic Wards added to each model. A power weapon in that codex is 10 points.


Vertus Preators

Model WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Pts
Shield-Captain 5 4 4 4(5) 1 4 2 9 2+ 85
Vertus Praetor 5 4 4 4(5) 1 4 1 8 2+ 60

Unit Size: 1 Shield-Captain and 2 Vertus Preators

Wargear: Power Armour, Power Lance and Jetbikes.

Weapon Options: The Shield-Captain may purchase weapons from the Adeptus Custodes armoury and up to 50 points of wargear.

Special Rules

Fearless: Custodians are the last line of defense between the enemies of Mankind and the Immortal God Emperor; to flee would be to surrender all of Mankind to the horrors of the galaxy.

Deep Strike: Vertus Praetors can use their Jet Bikes to fly high above and descend onto the battlefield, and set up using the Deep Strike rules, but only if the mission allows for Deep Strike to be used. If the mission does not allow troops to use the Deep Strike rules then the model must be set up normally with the rest of the army.

Hit and Run: At the end of a round of close combat the Vertus Preators may choose to break off if they and at least some of their close combat opponents do not have to fall back. The unit falls back 3D6" in any direction and automatically regroups at the end of the move. The enemy units may only consolidate.

Jet Bikes: Vertus Praetors ride Dawneagle Jet Bikes, which follow the rules for Eldar Jet Bikes.

Notes: There is no equivalent unit for jet bike equipped space marines in 3rd Edition. A Space Marine bike is a 20-point upgrade, so adding 25 points for the extra abilities of the jet bike feels fair if added to a Custodian’s normal cost.

Witchseeker Squad

Model WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Pts
Sister Superior 4 4 3 3 1 4 2 9 3+ 36
Sister of Silence 4 4 3 3 1 4 1 8 3+ 22

Unit Size: 1 Sister Superior, 4 to 9 Sisters of Silence and 1 Rhine dedicated transport.

Wargear: Power Amour and Flamers

Weapon Options: The Sister Superior may purchase weapons from the Adeptus Custodes armoury and up to 50 points of wargear.

Transport: The Witchseeker squad must purchase a Rhino transport for 50 points.

Special Rules

Null Maidens: Sisters of Silence are psychic nulls, and their presence dampens any psychic powers occurring near them. Enemy psykers within 24” who attempt to use any psychic powers that would affect the Sister of Silence or any unit they have joined take their Psychic test at -1 to their Leadership. The effects are not cumulative.

Notes: The Prosecutors use the Battle Sisters Squad’s stat-line from the Witch Hunters codex. The Null Maidens rule is the same as the 5 point item Hexagrammic Wards added to each model. A flamer for that squad is normally 6 points.

Dedicated Transport


Model BS Front Side Rear Pts
Rhino 4 11 11 11 50

Unit Size: 1 Rhino

Weapons: The Rhino is armed with a storm bolter.

Options: The Rhino may be equipped with any of the following vehicle upgrades from the Adeptus Custodes Armoury at the cost listed there: Extra Armor (+5 points), Hunter-killer Missile (+15 points), Pintle-Mounted Storm Bolter (+10 points), Searchlight (+1 points), and Smoke Launchers (+3 points).

Transport: The Rhino can carry up to ten models. It may not carry models in Allarus Terminator Armour.

Special Rules

Reliable Engines: If a Rhino is immobilized and spends a turn without firing any weapons its drive may be able to effect a temporary repair that turn. On a D6 roll of 6 the vehicle will be free to move in its next Movement phase.


Contemptor Dreadnought

Model WS BS S Front Side Rear I A Pts
Contemptor Dreadnought 5 5 7(10) 13 12 10 4 4 221

Unit Size: 1 Contemptor Dreadnought

Weapons: The Contemptor’s left arm is equipped with a Dreadnought Close Combat Weapon and a Combi-bolter. The right army must be equipped with either an Assault Cannon at +35 points or Multi-melta at +40 points.

Options: The Contemptor may be equipped with any of the following vehicle upgrades from the Adeptus Custodes Armoury at the cost listed there: Extra Armor (+5 points), Hunter-killer Missile (+15 points), Searchlight (+1 points), and Smoke Launchers (+3 points)

Special Rules

Atomantic Shielding: Atomantic shielding absorb the damage from one glancing or penetrating hit (from shooting attacks only) and then 'go down' as they dissipate the energy that was absorbed. The player can roll to repair the downed fields at the start of each of his turns. Roll 1D6 per field, and it comes back on line with a roll of 6+.

Walker: See Vehicle chapter in the Main Rule Book for details.

Notes: The vehicle design rules were utilized to point this vehicle. The base cost for a normal speed walker with the 14-12-10 armour stats is 70 points. A dreadnought close combat weapon for a WS 5 vehicle with 4 attacks is 100 points and a combi-bolter is 6. The Imperial Shield, which is normally only fitted on warmachines, is 35 points.

Land Raider

Model BS Front Side Rear Pts
Land Raider 4 14 14 14 250

Unit Size: 1 Land Raider

Weapons: The Land Raider is equipped with a hull mounted Twin-Linked Heavy Bolter and two sponson mounted Twin-Linked Lascannons.

Options: The Land Raider may be equipped with any of the following vehicle upgrades from the Adeptus Custodes Armoury at the cost listed there: Extra Armor (+5 points), Hunter-killer Missile (+15 points), Pintle-Mounted Storm Bolter (+10 points), Searchlight (+1 points), and Smoke Launchers (+3 points)

Transport: The Land Raider can carry up to ten models. A model in Allarus Terminator Armour counts as two passengers.

Special Rules

Deus Ex Machina: If the crew are stunned then the Machine Spirit will take over temporarily. The Land Raider may be moved directly forward up to its maximum move.

Fire Control: The Land Raider may always fire one additional weapon system to those it would normally be able to fire. This shot may be against a different target to that engaged by the crew. Automatic targeting is less accurate and therefore conducted with BS2. If the crew are stunned or shaken, the Machine Spirit may still fire a weapon using this rule.

Land Raider Prometheus

Model BS Front Side Rear Pts
Land Raider Prometheus 4 14 14 14 270

Unit Size: 1 Land Raider

Weapons: The Land Raider is equipped with a pintle-mounted Storm Bolter and two Twin-Linked Heavy Bolters on each sponson.

Options: The Land Raider may be equipped with any of the following vehicle upgrades from the Adeptus Custodes Armoury at the cost listed there: Extra Armor (+5 points), Hunter-killer Missile (+15 points), Searchlight (+1 points), and Smoke Launchers (+3 points).

Transport: The Land Raider can carry up to ten models. A model in Allarus Terminator Armour counts as two passengers.

Special Rules

Deus Ex Machina: If the crew are stunned then the Machine Spirit will take over temporarily. The Land Raider may be moved directly forward up to its maximum move.

Fire Control: The Land Raider may always fire one additional weapon system to those it would normally be able to fire. This shot may be against a different target to that engaged by the crew. Automatic targeting is less accurate and therefore conducted with BS2. If the crew are stunned or shaken, the Machine Spirit may still fire a weapon using this rule.

Improved Comms: The Adeptus Custodes player may re-roll one Reserve roll per turn.

Adeptus Custodes Armoury

Wargear Pts
Allarus Armour1A 30
Artificer Armour 20
Auspex 2
Bionics 10
Frag Grenades2 1
Holy Relic1 30
Krak Grenades2 2
Jet Bike1A 30
Master-crafted Weapon 15
Melta Bombs2 5
Psyk-Out Grenades2 1
Purity Seals 5
Refractor Field 15
Targeter 1
Teleport Homer 10
One-Handed Weapons Pts
Close Combat Weapon 1
Inferno PistolS 15
Lightning ClawA 25
Plasma PistolS 15
Power Lance3 15
Power Weapon 15
Storm ShieldA 10
Thunder HammerA 30
Two-Handed Weapons Pts
BolterS 2
Castellan AxeA 30
Combi-FlamerS 10
Combi-MeltaS 15
Combi-Plasma GunS 15
EvisceratorS 25
Guardian SpearA 30
Pair of Lightning ClawsA 30
Storm BolterS 10

1 Independent Characters Only

2 Models in Allarus Armour may not purchase

3 Only Models on Jetbikes may purchase

A Only Custodians may purchase

S Only Sisters of Silence may purchase

Allarus Armour: A model wearing Allarus Terminator Armour has a 2+ armour save and a 5+ invulnerable save. Also, any model wearing Terminator Armour can be teleported onto the battlefield, and set up using the Deep Strike rules, but only if the mission allows for Deep Strike to be used. If the mission does not allow troops to use the Deep Strike rules then the model must be set up normally with the rest of the army.

Artificer Armour: A model wearing artificer armour increases their armour save to 2+.

Auspex: An auspex is a short-ranged scanner used to detect hidden troops. If enemy infiltrators set up with 4D6” of a model with an auspex, then that model is allowed to take a ‘free’ shot at them. If the model is part of a unit, then the whole unit may shoot. These shots are taken before the battle begins and may cause the infiltrators to fall back. The normal shooting rules apply.

Bionics: If a model with bionics is killed, instead of removing it, place the model its side. Roll a D6 at the start of the next turn; on a roll of 6 the model is stood back up with 1 wound, but any other roll it is removed as a casualty.

Castellan Axe: The Castellan Axe counts as a chain fist.

Eviscerator: This two-handed chainsword is treated as a powerfist that rolls 2D6 for Armour Penetration.

Guardian Spear: The Guardian Spear is a power weapon that adds +2 to the wielder’s Strength.

Holy Relic: Once per game the relic may be activated to grant all models in the Adeptus Custodes army within 2D6" to gain +1 Attack for the rest of the turn. Note it may be activated during the enemy's turn.

Lightning Claw: The Lightning Claws count as a power weapon and the model wearing them may re-roll any to wound rolls that fail to wound. Modelrs who are armed with Lightning Claws only receive the +1 Attack modifier for an additional close combat weapon if the second weapon is also another Lightning claw.

Jet Bike: See page 94 in Main Rule Book for rules on Bikes and Eldar Jet Bikes. They additionally gain the Deep Strike rule.

Master-crafted Weapon: A master-crafted weapon follows the normal rules for the weapon, except that you may re-roll one failed to hit roll per turn. Master-crafted weapons are taken as an upgrade for a weapon that is already being carried by a model.

Power Lance: The power lance is a power weapon that grants +1 Initiative to any bike-mounted model that is charging. Once an opponent gets insider their guard though, the improved weapon length becomes a disadvantage and they get -1 Initiative whenever they are not charging.

Psyk-Out Grenades: Instead of firing another ranged weapon, a model equipped with Psyk-Out Grenades may use one against a psyker within 6”. Roll to hit as normal. If the psyker is hit, they must pass a Leadership test on 2D6. For each point the psyker fails the test they lose 1 Wound. Saving throws may be taken as normal.

Purity Seals: If a model who is wearing purity seals falls back, roll one extra D6 for its fall back distance, and then pick the D6 results you want in order to determine the distance fallen back. If a model with purity seals is part of a unit then this ability applies to the whole unit, not just to the model with the purity seals.

Refractor Field: This piece of equipment produces an energy field that gives the model a 5+ Invulnerable save.

Storm Shield: A model that has a storm shield may take a 4+ Invulnerable save in close combat, instead of its normal Armour save. The save may only be used against one opponent per turn (the defender chooses who to use it against), and it may not be combined with any other Invulnerable save.

Targeter: Models equipped with a targeter are allowed to pre-measure the range to a target before they decide who to shoot at in the Shooting phase. After you have uses a targeter then any Guess range weapons may not be fired that turn.

Teleport Homer: If the template used by a teleporting Adeptus Custodes unit to make a Deep Strike is centered on a model with a Teleport Homer then they won’t scatter. Note that the homer only works for units that are teleporting, not for ones entering play using other methods. Note that the homer must be on the table at the start of the turn it is being used.

Thunder Hammer: Thunder hammers release a terrific blast of energy when they strike an opponent. A thunder hammer counts as a power fist, but any model wounded by it and not killed may not attack until the end of the next Assault phase. Vehicles struck by a thunder hammer suffers a ‘crew shaken’ result, in addition to any other results they suffer.

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️