Trivia Questions - ksenianishchenko/trivia-app GitHub Wiki
"harry-potter": { "0": { "$id": "0", "type": "object", "next": "1", "properties": { "answers": { "$id": "/properties/answers", "title": "In the Harry Potter book series, which character had the wand made of a phoenix bird feather?", "type": "string", "enum": ["Hermione", "Tom Riddle", "Ron", "Professor Snape", "Malfoy"] } }, "required": ["answers"] }, "1": { "$id": "1", "type": "object", "next": "2", "properties": { "answers": { "$id": "/properties/answers", "title": "How does Harry first learn that he is a wizard", "type": "string", "enum": ["The Dursleys tell him when he is eight", "Dudley accidentally lets it slip", "He reads about it in the Daily Prophet", "Hagrid has to track him down to tell him"] } }, "required": [ "answers" ] }, "2": { "$id": "2", "type": "object", "next": "results", "properties": { "answers": { "$id": "/properties/answers", "title": "Who is Fluffy", "type": "string", "enum": ["Hagrid’s dragon", "Harry’s owl", "Hagrid’s three-headed dog", "Dumbledore’s pet snake"] } }, "required": [ "answers" ] } }