Scrum 5 - kseg-and-camscott77/social-media GitHub Wiki

In this scrum, there was only one person for most of the class so it was difficult to get a full user story done however being solo the person grinded hard and almost completed the third user story. Even though the solo didn't get the next user story done there was a lot of progress made.

Completed User Stories:

  1. As a user, I want a sign-in page so that I feel secure while accessing the webpage.

  2. As a user, I want a comment section so that I can express my opinions on people photos and my own photos.

Incomplete User Stories:

  1. As a user, I want functioning buttons, one of which being a like button so that I can express my feelings towards the photos

  2. As a user, I want a next page button so that I can look at different topics