append only finger tree - krl/notes GitHub Wiki

Append-only finger tree!

Ok, so we start with the empty tree.

empty tree

When we insert an element into the empty tree, we get a bucket with one element.

In this example, i've set bucket size to 4, for clarity.

bucket with one element

Nothing surprising happens when you add three more elements.

a full bucket

As the bucket overflows though, it gets split up into a finger structure.

A finger structure keeps track of the first and the last elements in the sequence.

a newly splitted off finger

The space between first and last elements, is 'the rest' of the sequence. At this point it's just the empty tree again.

Again, adding three more elements brings no surprises.

a full finger

This time, when we add an extra element, the full bucket gets pushed down the middle of the tree, and wrapped in a branch.

the first branch

Buckets that overflow, keep getting pushed down, until the branch node is full.

a full branch

After which, it also splits into a finger, with first, rest, and last

the second finger

And also gets filled up through buckets getting pushed down the middle (rest).

filled up second finger

For the next insert, we will get second-order branching, since what is pushed down are now full 'branches', we wrap them in an extra layer as well.

second order branching

Since at each step down the 'spine' of the structure, another layer of branching is added, the lookups will be worst case logarithmic time, and best case constant time (for the first and last elements).

Since this structure requires no balancing, it should be simple to implement as well.