Tools - kristinedomingo/cs373-idb GitHub Wiki

Front End

  • Bootstrap - An HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework used heavily to design and style all of the pages of the site. It's grid system was used to make the website mobile-responsive.
  • AngularJS - A Javascript framework that handles the dynamic views and routing of the web application.
  • AngularCSS - An Angular/Javascript library that listens on routes for change events and inserts the appropriate css.
  • UI Bootstrap - An Angular directive based on Bootstrap's markup and CSS. Written by the AngularUI Team, this directive adds a multitude of easy-to-use components, from pagination to date pickers.
  • Angular Chart - A set of native Angular directives for Chart.js. These responsive graphs were used on the ILDB page, to display information about legislators.

Back End

  • Flask - A Python web framework that powers the web application.
  • SQLAlchemy - A Python SQL toolkit. Not actually utilized in this phase, but was written as if it was.

Data Sources

  • Spotify Web API - The web application's main data source. It provided information on the three main models (albums, artists, tracks) as well as embedded widgets that allow the user to play selected tracks.
  • Echo Nest API - A secondary data source that provided a lot of information about artists, including their biographies and recent news articles concerning them.

