Bootstrap - An HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework used heavily to design
and style all of the pages of the site. It's grid system was used
to make the website mobile-responsive.
AngularJS - A Javascript framework that handles the dynamic views and
routing of the web application.
AngularCSS - An Angular/Javascript library that listens on routes for change events and inserts the appropriate css.
UI Bootstrap - An Angular directive based on Bootstrap's markup
and CSS. Written by the AngularUI Team, this directive adds a multitude of
easy-to-use components, from pagination to date pickers.
Angular Chart - A set of native Angular directives for
Chart.js. These responsive graphs were used on the
ILDB page, to display information about legislators.
Back End
Flask - A Python web framework that powers the web application.
SQLAlchemy - A Python SQL toolkit. Not actually utilized in this phase, but was written as if it was.
Data Sources
Spotify Web API - The web application's main data source. It
provided information on the three main models (albums, artists, tracks) as well as embedded widgets
that allow the user to play selected tracks.
Echo Nest API - A secondary data source that provided a lot of
information about artists, including their biographies and recent news articles concerning them.
Carina by Rackspace - A native container environment that hosts the web application.