Why Livescript? - kristianmandrup/racer-mw GitHub Wiki

Livescript is almost the same as CoffeScript. There are only a few key "tweaks".:

  • xyz! means essentialy call function with no args i.e xyz()
  • x := y means that you assign y to x, but using x in a higher scope, not necessarily the present scope.

Otherwise it should be mostly the same syntax. LiveScript however comes with dozens of extra features, is especially designed to leverage the power of currying functions and has a lot of functional programming power and constructs built in as well. In summary: way more powerful than coffee ;)

I also used to use Coffee, but since I found LiveScript I never looked back. It was very easy to switch...

Then there is the basic OOP constructs such as class and extends, but those are the same semantics as most other OOP "frameworks". So take it easy and have a nice cheesecake :)