Sizable Window - kris701/NDX GitHub Wiki

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Up to date as of version 1.0

The window can also be sizable, which also have a lot of settings to it.

Sizable borders settings

There is a set of settings to choose when it comes to a sizable form:

Setting Function
bool Sizable { get, set} Gets or sets if the forms is sizable or not.
bool ShowSizableBorders { get, set} Gets or sets if a border should be shown around the form.
bool SizableBordersTopMost { get, set} Gets or sets if the borders are topmost, meaning that they will be visually on top of everything
bool WaitTilSizeingDone { get, set} Gets or sets whether to wait with refreshing the layout until you stop resizing the window.
int SizableBordersWidth { get, set} Gets or sets the width of the sizable borders.
Color SizableBordersColor { get, set} Gets or sets the color of the borders.

Keep in mind, that if you have sizable to be true, but showsizableborders to be false, the window will still be sizable, however there will just not be a visual border around the form.