FragmentParser - kridhaen/OpenTrafficLightsPrediction GitHub Wiki
The FragmentParser is used to parse the traffic light observations in Linked Data Fragments.
Use handleFragment method to parse a fragment. This method recieves 5 callback functions.
- onPhaseChange: called if the signalphase has changed
- onSamePhase: called if the signalphase did not change
- (dangerous) onObservationBeforeValidityCheck: gets called before observations are checked for datagaps or incorrect data *afterHandle: gets called after the fragment is fully parsed *onFragmentError: called if an error in the data occured
For each callback, the following fields will be set correctly:
"signalGroup": undefined, //signalGroup of current observation
"signalPhase": undefined, //signalPhase of current observation
"signalState": undefined, //signalState quad (not used)
"generatedAtTime": undefined, //generation time of current observation
"minEndTime": undefined, //minEndTime defined in current observation
"maxEndTime": undefined, //maxEndTime defined in current observation
"observation": undefined, //observation quad (not used)
"store": undefined, //n3 store object
"prefixes": undefined, //prefixes in trig rdf fragment
"phaseStart": undefined, //start of phase of current observation
"lastPhaseStart": undefined, //start of phase of last observation
"lastPhase": undefined, //phase of last observation
"maxDidIncrease": undefined //maxEndTime did increase for same phase