Equivalent Impedence - kreativekorp/openxion GitHub Wiki
Equivalent Impedence
A script to build networks of resistors, capacitors, and inductors and calculate impedence.
This script demonstrates some of the more advanced features of XION, including variable typing, objects, and message passing.
object type impedor pl impedors
to create
shared frequency as number is 2*pi/60
end create
to get frequency
shared frequency as number
return frequency
end get
to set frequency to x
shared frequency as number
put x into frequency
end set
to get impedence
return (0,0) as complex
end get
end impedor
object type resistor pl resistors extends impedor
to create
shared frequency as number is 2*pi/60
shared resistance as number is zero
end create
to get resistance
shared resistance as number
return resistance
end get
to set resistance to x
shared resistance as number
put x into resistance
end set
to get impedence
shared resistance as number
return (resistance,0) as complex
end get
end resistor
object type inductor pl inductors extends impedor
to create
shared frequency as number is 2*pi/60
shared inductance as number is zero
end create
to get inductance
shared inductance as number
return inductance
end get
to set inductance to x
shared inductance as number
put x into inductance
end set
to get impedence
shared frequency as number
shared inductance as number
return (0,frequency * inductance) as complex
end get
end inductor
object type capacitor pl capacitors extends impedor
to create
shared frequency as number is 2*pi/60
shared capacitance as number is zero
end create
to get capacitance
shared capacitance as number
return capacitance
end get
to set capacitance to x
shared capacitance as number
put x into capacitance
end set
to get impedence
shared frequency as number
shared capacitance as number
return (0,-1/(frequency * capacitance)) as complex
end get
end capacitor
object type impedor network pl impedor networks extends impedor
to create
shared frequency as number is 2*pi/60
shared components as impedors is empty
end create
to get components
shared components as impedors
return components
end get
to set components to x
shared components as impedors
put x into components
end set
on insert x as impedor
shared components as impedors
put x after components
end insert
end impedor network
object type series network pl series networks extends impedor network
to get impedence
shared components as impedors
local componentValues as complexes
local x as impedor
repeat for each x in components
put the impedence of x after componentValues
end repeat
return the sum of componentValues
end get
end series network
object type parallel network pl parallel networks extends impedor network
to get impedence
shared components as impedors
local componentValues as complexes
local x as impedor
repeat for each x in components
put the impedence of x after componentValues
end repeat
return the rsr of componentValues
end get
end parallel network
function sciNot x as number
if x < 0 then return "-" & sciNot(abs(x))
else if x >= 1'12 then return round(x / 1'12) & "T"
else if x >= 1'9 then return round(x / 1'9) & "G"
else if x >= 1'6 then return round(x / 1'6) & "M"
else if x >= 1'3 then return round(x / 1'3) & "k"
else if x >= 1'0 then return round(x / 1'0)
else if x >= 1''3 then return round(x / 1''3) & "m"
else if x >= 1''6 then return round(x / 1''6) & "ยต"
else if x >= 1''9 then return round(x / 1''9) & "n"
else if x >= 1''12 then return round(x / 1''12) & "p"
else return "0"
end sciNot
function makeDiagram x as impedor
-- here we assume that the diagram will always have the same number of characters on each line
if x is a resistor then
return "--/\\/\\/--" & newline & cpad(sciNot(the resistance of x) & "ฮฉ", 9)
else if x is an inductor then
return "--โโโโโ--" & newline & cpad(sciNot(the inductance of x) & "H", 9)
else if x is a capacitor then
return "---| |---" & newline & cpad(sciNot(the capacitance of x) & "F", 9)
else if x is a series network then
local diagram as string
local component as impedor
local componentDiagram as string
local maxLength as integer
repeat for each component in the components of x
put makeDiagram(component) into componentDiagram
put zero into maxLength
repeat for each l in the lines of diagram
put max(maxLength, the length of l) into maxLength
end repeat
repeat with i = 1 to the number of lines in componentDiagram
put (rpad(line i of diagram, maxLength) & line i of componentDiagram) into line i of diagram
end repeat
put zero into maxLength
repeat for each l in the lines of diagram
put max(maxLength, the length of l) into maxLength
end repeat
repeat with i = 1 to the number of lines in diagram
put (rpad(line i of diagram, maxLength)) into line i of diagram
end repeat
end repeat
return diagram
else if x is a parallel network then
local diagram as string
local component as impedor
local componentDiagram as string
local maxLength as integer
repeat for each component in the components of x
put makeDiagram(component) into componentDiagram
put the number of lines in diagram into maxLength
put componentDiagram into line (maxLength+1) of diagram
end repeat
put zero into maxLength
repeat for each l in the lines of diagram
put max(maxLength, the length of l) into maxLength
end repeat
repeat with i = 1 to the number of lines in diagram
put "|" & (rpad(line i of diagram, maxLength)) & "|" into line i of diagram
end repeat
return diagram
end if
end makeDiagram
on edit x as impedor network
local tmp as impedor
put "Editing Circuit:"
put makeDiagram(x)
put "Equivalent Impedence:" && the impedence of x
answer list "Select a component to add:" with ("Resistor","Inductor","Capacitor","Parallel Network","Series Network","Finished Editing")
if it is "Resistor" then
ask "Enter resistance in ohms:"
if it is empty or the result is "Cancel" then
next repeat
put it into r
put a new resistor into tmp
set the resistance of tmp to r
tell x to insert tmp
end if
else if it is "Inductor" then
ask "Enter inductance in henries:"
if it is empty or the result is "Cancel" then
next repeat
put it into i
put a new inductor into tmp
set the inductance of tmp to i
tell x to insert tmp
end if
else if it is "Capacitor" then
ask "Enter capacitance in farads:"
if it is empty or the result is "Cancel" then
next repeat
put it into c
put a new capacitor into tmp
set the capacitance of tmp to c
tell x to insert tmp
end if
else if it is "Parallel Network" then
put a new parallel network into tmp
tell x to insert tmp
edit tmp
else if it is "Series Network" then
put a new series network into tmp
tell x to insert tmp
edit tmp
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
end edit
edit a new series network