99 Bottles - kreativekorp/openxion GitHub Wiki

99 Bottles

Sample code to produce the lyrics to 99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall.

on bottles start
    repeat with x = start down to 1
        if x = 1 then
            put "1 bottle of beer on the wall,"
            put "1 bottle of beer."
            put "Take one down, pass it around,"
            put "No more bottles of beer on the wall."
            put x&&"bottles of beer on the wall,"
            put x&&"bottles of beer."
            put "Take one down, pass it around,"
            if x-1 = 1 then
                put "1 bottle of beer on the wall."
                put (x-1)&&"bottles of beer on the wall."
            end if
            put empty
        end if
    end repeat
end bottles

bottles 99