SDA use cases - kravchenskaya/REQ4KinProd GitHub Wiki
Case 1: Client is connected to internet
- User account is created
- User set a password -- User has credentials to log in to the system
1. User should be able to log in to the account
- log in to the account via available credentials
- Client displays validation error if provided credentials are incorrect
- Client redirect User to Library tab (default) in case provided credentials are correct
- reset password -- Client opens User default browser
- User is able to provide email
- the system send to User the link that allows to set a new password
- read instructions in case no credentials (no account) -- Client displays a screen with info text
2. User should be able to collect video library -- Library tab
- if no video are available Client displays associated info text
- Client displays downloaded video via the list with:
- preview video image
- title
- size
- duration
- icon -- indicates that a video on phone
- [TBD: sorting]
- ability to download a video from Cloud to Client
- ability to play and download a video from Cloud to Client
- Client displays alert message if not enough space is available
- Client opens the list of video from Cloud (Cloud list) with ability to download one -- is marked by associated icon
- Client displays progress of downloading video -- video is downloading even if the Cloud list is closed
- Client displays only downloaded videos within the library -- is marked by associated icon
- ability to search for a video -- by title
- Client allows to hide/show the search
- ability to delete a video from Client
- one by one (swipe) or all at once (edit mode)
- [TBD: filters]
3. User should be able to play selected video via player -- Library tab
- Client opens player when a video is selected
- player includes:
- ability to play/stop selected video
- ability to play next/previous video (do not close player)
- ability to see video progress and duration
- ability to be closed
4. User should be able to work with playlists -- Playlists tab
- if no playlists are available Client displays associated info text
- Client displays created offline playlists -- each playlist includes:
- default image -- indicates that a playlist on phone only
- title
- amount of included files/video
- total duration
- menu
- Client allows the following actions with a playlist (via menu):
- edit title
- duplicate playlist
- delete playlist -- confirmation message
- close menu
- Client allows to create a new playlist
allows to enter title of the playlist
displays number of added videos
displays total duration
allows to save the playlist or cancel
allows to add videos from the library
in case adding videos to the playlist, Client opens list of available video where
- here available video is video from phone
- ability to add video -- progress when adding
- search within the video list
- ability to cancel the action and close associated screen
when video is added to the playlist, Client displays
- menu associated with a video -- delete, duplicate, repeat
- number of repetition and total duration (if it was added)
open playlist includes:
- title
- number of added videos and total duration
- menu for video -- summary, delete, duplicate, repeat
- number of repetition and total duration (if it was added)
- video that is on phone only is marked
- ability to add video -- see above about adding video to the playlist
- ability to edit
- ability to go back to the playlist
in case editing of a playlist, Client allows
- apply changes
- discard changes -- confirmation message
Client allows to play a video via the player within opened playlist -- _see #3 about the player _
5. User should be able to see Device status -- Hypervsn tab
- in this case Device status is not connected
- Client displays info text how to connect Device
6. User should be able to work with app and Device settings -- Settings icon
- Client allows to log out
- confirmation message
- Client allows to check phone memory status
- Client allows to read about the app
Case 2: Client is connected to Device
- User account is created
- User set a password
- User is logged in to Client
- Device is activated -- see Case 5 for alt flow
- Client opens Hypervsn tab when User is back to the app
1. User should be able to see the library -- Library tab
- in this case Device status is connected -- serial number of Device is displayed
- if no video are available Client displays associated info text
- Client displays the following videos:
- downloaded to phone only (1)
- stored on Device only (2)
- both (3)
- Client displays available videos via the list with:
- preview video image
- title
- size
- duration
- status -- associated with (1), (2), (3)
- ability to upload video in status (1) to Device
- [TBD: Client displays alert in case Device storage space is full]
- Client displays progress of video uploading
- ability to download video from Cloud to Client
- in this case Client displays alert message -- no internet connection
- see #2 from the Case 1
- ability to search for a video -- by title
- Client allows to hide/show the search
- ability to delete a video from Client
- one by one (swipe) or all at once (edit mode)
- confirmation message for each status -- allow to select how to delete video depending on video location
- [TBD: filters]
- in case User tries to add video from Cloud, Client warns User that no internet connection to perform the action
2. User should be able to play selected video via player or Device -- Library tab/player
- Client opens player for any video status
- Client allows via player the following actions:
- ability to play/stop selected video
- ability to play next/previous video depending on status (do not close player)
- ability to see video progress and duration
- ability to be closed
- info text that video is playing on Device for associated case
- ability to upload selected video on Device for associated case
- ability to upload and play selected video on Device for associated case
- ability to chose where to play video -- player or Device
- if video in status (1) is selected:
- player plays the video
- ability to choose where to play video is disabled -- phone only is indicated
- next/previous controls allow to navigate only within video in status (1)&(3)
- Client allows to upload video on Device
- Client allows to upload and play on Device -- enable selection and indicate this state
- if video in status (2) is selected:
- Device plays the video
- ability to choose where to play video is disabled -- Device only is indicated
- player allows to control video playing on Device
- next/previous controls allow to navigate only within video in status (2)&(3)
- video is played on repeat by default
- if video in status (3) is selected:
- ability to choose where to play video is enabled
- if Device is indicated, Device plays the video -- see (2)
- if Device is NOT indicated, player plays the video -- see (1)
- next/previous controls allow to navigate within video any status
3. User should be able to work with playlists -- Playlists tab
- in this case Device status is connected -- serial number of Device is displayed
- if no playlists are available Client displays associated info text
- Client displays the list of created playlists -- each playlist includes:
- playlists that are on phone only are listed first -- offline playlists
- default image -- indicates if a playlist is uploaded on Device or not
- title
- amount of included files/video
- total duration
- menu
- Client allows to upload offline playlist to Device -- confirmation message is displayed
uploading progress is displayed
as soon as a playlist is uploaded it becomes active
upload playlists are stored on Device only
Client allows the following actions with a playlist in the list (via menu):
- edit title
- duplicate playlist
- delete playlist -- confirmation
- close menu
- Client allows to play/stop selected playlist by control associated with the playlist -- tap on image
- Client indicates if the playlist is playing
- Client allows to create a new playlist
- allows to enter title of the playlist
- displays number of added videos
- displays total duration
- allows to save the playlist or cancel
- allows to add videos from the library
- in case adding videos to the playlist, Client opens the library list where
- video that are stored on phone only are marked
ability to add video -- progress when adding
ability to add selected video
ability to cancel the action and close associated screen
when video is added to the playlist, Client displays
- menu associated with a video -- delete, duplicate, repeat
- the mark in case the video is on phone only
- number of repetition and total duration (if it was added)
in case saving the playlist with a video from phone only, Client displays uploading progress
created playlist includes:
- title
- number of added videos and total duration
- menu for video -- summary, delete, duplicate, repeat
- number of repetition and total duration (if it was added)
- video that is on phone only is marked -- for offline playlist
- ability to add video -- see above about adding video to the playlist
- ability to edit
- ability to go back to the playlist
for a playlist in edit mode, Client allows
- change the order of listed video
- apply changes
- discard changes -- confirmation message
there is no ability to add a video from Device to the offline playlist
5. User should be able to see Device status -- Hypervsn tab
- in this case Device status is connected -- serial number of Device
- Client allows to read info about Device
- Client allows to check Device memory status
- Client allows to set Device
- Client opens Device diagnostic screen -- Device Admin service in web view
6. User should be able to work with available settings -- Settings icon
- Client allows to log out
- confirmation message
- Client allows to check phone memory status
- Client allows to check external memory card if exists
- Client allows to read about the app
Additional cases:
Case 3: User is logged in but not connected to Device and no internet connection
- all from Case 1 are true except
- in case User tries to add video from Cloud -- warning message that no internet connection
Case 4: User change the password via Platform
- in this case if User is logged in to the app, Client should log out User
- redirect User to the log in
Case 5: Client is connected to Device (but is not activated)
User account is created
User set a password
User is logged in to Client
Device is not activated
see Case 1 -- #2, #3, #4, #5 are true
for #2: -- Client informs User that Device should be activated -- Client allows User go to Network Setup of Device Admin (web view) and activate Device
Case 6: Client is connected to a device that are not associated with the User account
User account is created
User set a password
User is logged in to Client
see Case 1 -- #2, #3, #4, #5 are true
for #2 -- Client informs User that there is no permission to work with this device
Case 7: Client is connected to some local network
User account is created
User set a password
User is logged in to Client
see Case 1 -- #2, #3, #4, #5 are true
for #2 -- Client informs User that device is not found