SDA - kravchenskaya/REQ4KinProd GitHub Wiki
- Client = SDA (single device application for mobile phone)
- Device = Hypervsn device that is associated with User account
- Cloud = Platform
- Languages supported: english for MVP
- OS supported: Android 4.0.3 and up, iOS 7 and up
- Software updates delivered by: via Google Play and Apple Store
Device sends status logs when is connected to internet. When Device works with Client it should send logs to Client. As soon as Client is connected to internet, logs are sent to Cloud.
- for MVP: firmware update goes automatically without any User interaction and notification
- TBD: depends on FW -- if critical or not
- if yes -- Client should notify User if User agree for update (it takes time) and allow User to read about new version
- if no -- no interaction and noticiation, auto update